Sunday, October 23, 2005

It's all about your HAIR!!!

The new trend isn’t something you can purchase in a boutique or online. It seems that all Hollywood is going crazy with their hair. From cutting off inches of locks to dying your head a drastic new color, celebrities are altering their hair styles like they switch their relationships.
Pop princess, Britney Spears recently cut off inches of her hair in preparation of baby Federline. The new do will be low maintenance compared to her long locks for the new mom-to-be. While Britney’s hubby Kevin, had his hair braided in corn rows. Very father like, don’t you think???

Another highly publicized couple Brad Pitt and new girlfriend Angelina Jolie have also both changed up their dos, maybe in order to hide from paparazzi. Brad went from a shaved brunette, to having a bleach blonde mohawk and has recently been photographed as having jet black hair. During the time Brad sported his blonde mohawk, ex-wife Jennifer Aniston was reported mocking Brad’s new look saying he was a “Billy Idol want-a-be!!” I agree with Jen, while Brad looks amazing wearing almost anything, that haircut was not one of his best trends. Angelina on the other hand has gone from jet black to a softer blonde for an upcoming movie The Good Shepard. If you ask me, I think both Brad and Angelina need to find some new hairdressers.

Other celebrities such as Linsdey Lohan, Jessica Alba, and Uma Thurman have all decided that being a blonde was a summer phase and have dyed their hair darker for the fall season. My thought on the new looks… both Lindsey and Jessica look much better with darker hair but Uma on the other hand, looks kind of odd as a brunette. Thankfully it’s just for a movie she’s filming titled Super Ex-Girlfriend otherwise she should definitely stick with her blonde roots.

Mandy Moore and Nicky Hilton still believe that blondes have more fun, both girls have switched from brunette back to their original color of blonde. I personally think that both looked better as brunettes, especially Nicky, who once again resembles her sister Paris.

So in conclusion…try something new with your hair whether it be cutting off inches and or dying it a whole new color. The hottest trend in Hollywood hair is CHANGE!!!

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