Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Heading to Whittier, AK

Today is my last day in Anchorage, I fly back to Chicago tonight. It’s raining today so there won’t be any riding. I was hoping to ride out to some of the places we saw on the way to Whittier yesterday, really beautiful scenery and roads.

So since today is rained out, here are some pictures from yesterday.

We found a collapsed house that we got to climb on, it was fun. I guess this one might have collapsed during the big earth quake some 40 years ago.

Seward Highway

Ice bergs in Portage Lake

Pretty chilly and windy near Portage Lake

Here is proof, the mosquitoes here are so huge they drill for oil

Portage Glacier Road

Whittier tunnel outside

Whittier tunnel inside

This is the tunnel that goes from Portage to Whittier, it costs $12 for a round trip drive though the tunnel. This is a combination tunnel it’s open in each direction on the hour for cars and it has a single rail road track running though it also.

Longest combined vehicle-railroad tunnel in North America

Longest highway tunnel in North America (13,300' or 2.5 miles).
Longest combined rail and highway use tunnel in North America.
First U.S. tunnel with jet turbine and portal fan ventilation.
First computerized regulation of both rail and highway traffic.
First tunnel designed for -40° F. and 150 mph winds.
Portal buildings designed to withstand avalanches

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