Thursday, August 24, 2006

Mounting wheels: ST3

At lunch I located a 28mm socket for the front axel nut of the ST3, but no one had a 30mm in stock, I ordered one but it would be weeks until it arrived.

After work I picked up my wheels sporting new rubber and hurried home, a few minutes later my Friend Rick showed up to help me put the wheels back on the bikes. We started with the ST3, since I needed this bike to be ready for my trip next week. The front tire was easy, I got to use my torque wrench and my new 28mm 6pt ½” drive socket to torque the front axel.

The back wheel was the biggest pain in the butt to put back on, there is no way I could have done this alone, not on this bike. It’s such a tight squeeze between the fender, the Handy stand and the exhaust canisters.

It took forever to align everything just right to feed the axel bolt though the wheel, but we finally did it. It was too late to late to start on the 954RR, Rick had to head home. I did an oil change on the ST3 and called it a night.

The ST3 was ready for the big trip and that’s all that mattered.

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28mm 6pt ½” drive socket

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The top from a chocolate covered raisins container was the right size to keep the wheel in place to feed the axel though.

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Getting the axel back in

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Using the torque wrench to tighten the front wheel

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Torque wrench and the 28mm socket

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Less metal flakes in oil change #4

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My friend Bernie gave me his old air compressor when he bought a new one, I got to use it for the first time

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ST3 is ready to ride

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