Sunday, April 8, 2007

Day 3: Wall Doxey, MS

Today was finally a little warmer. It was going to hit mid 50’s for the high temperature, finally some nice riding weather! I never thought that April in Mississippi could be so cold. We took off right after breakfast and found ourselves some nice trails to ride.

Mike ripping on the trails

The trail was nice but then the terrain got harder and harder to ride, so we turned back around and went on to the next thing, Sardis Lake. The lake has a maximum storage capacity of 1,512,000 acre-feet of water so during the fall and winter months the lake is gradually drawn down to a "conservation pool" of 9800 acres. Right now the lake was dry.

Going to Sardis Lake

Proof that this is a "lake"

Got to have at least one good group shot. From left to right, Jay and his Suzuki DR650, (me) Anna and her Yamaha XT225 and Mike and his Honda XR650L

Bikes posing by Lake Sardis

Jay got himself stuck in the soft sand/mud

Mike helping Jay pull his back tire out of the muck

Riding around Sardis Lake was a lot of fun and at times it felt like riding through a desert, this is such a huge area, but. The fisherman were huddling around the small pools of water trying to catch something and we were riding around in the sand disturbing them and possibly the fish too. This place was probably the highlight of the whole trip.

We stopped for a snack and drinks and ran in to some adv riders originally from Illinois, now living in Mississippi, it's a small world.

Mmmmmmmmm… corndog makes a good afternoon snack

It was a very exciting day for Jay, he was pretty beat after the ride

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