Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Back on two wheels… (of the other kind)

Last week there were three days with temps near or over 50 degrees. I wanted to take the motorcycle out for a ride but I needed to catch up on stuff so I figured I‘d catch a ride next week. Now I'm afraid I might have passed up the only opportunity to ride this month. It's colder this week and we got more snow which hasn’t melted yet.

I haven’t ridden my mountain bike since fall of 2006 but I brought it to Colorado because I knew that I would finally get to use it here. Unlike Chicagoland, there are many places to ride a mountain bike here.

So far since the move the bike has been sitting in the garage while I’ve been doing other activities but today it was 40 degrees and sunny. It was time to take the mountain bike out for a spin. The street we live on was totally covered in snow but the main road was clear of snow and so was the bicycle path around the park.

I think these are supposed to be tusks

I only had three light layers on but with the sun shining I was kind of warm and by the time I got home I was sweating, less layers next time

Cool bridge

It looks like a hollowed out log, that's a frozen lake underneath the bridge

We live behind a large natural area and we also have a pretty large city park down the street. The walking/bicycle path that runs behind our house connects to all the surrounding bicycle paths and even the main Fort Collins bicycle path which can take you almost anywhere in town and to the many parks in the foothills just west of town.

Fort Collins is a very bicycle friendly town and because there are so many dedicated bicycle paths in town and so many roads with bicycle lanes, you can basically use your bicycle as your main transportation and many people do.

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