Sunday, January 4, 2009

An early arrival in Fort Collins

We left Sedona, AZ before 11AM. We stopped by the Meteor Crater and the Petrified Forest National Park in Arizona before continuing home. We ate out dinner while driving to make up some time. By our calculations we were going to be arriving home between 1:30 and 2:30AM.

Mike drove, then I drove - we were making awesome time. The roads were clear and clean.

Saturday continued cold and cloudy through Arizona and New Mexico, windy too - check out this dirt devil

Then near the Colorado border Mike got in the drivers seat for the last leg of the trip. Then the snow started. The roads got really bad really quick and it looked like our arrival was now going to be delayed by a few hours or more. We finally made it home in the early morning, tired and ready to get some sleep. By the time we unloaded a few things out of the car and got to bed, the sun was already coming up.

Snow falling from the sky around the New Mexico and Colorado border

Snow on I-25 in Colorado

Over all it was a great trip. We drove 2,466 miles and saw many great things. Arizona is amazing, but I was glad to be home in Colorado.

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