Thursday, March 26, 2009

XC Skiing out the Backdoor

It was in the 70’s a few days ago and today a foot of snow fell on Fort Collins. While that wasn’t great news for all the people trying to get to and from work, it was good news for me. I’ve wanted to go cross country skiing again and today all I had to do was go out the backdoor and start skiing.

Skiing out the backdoor of my house

Pre-ride poser shot in the backyard

Making tracks

My dirt riding goggles worked pretty good

I checked the weather and saw that the winds were going to pick up in the early afternoon, so I got ready and went out there in the late morning. It was only 18 degrees out so I bundles up.

Taking a break

Let it snow

Going up a hill

I headed in to the open space behind the house skiing on top walking/bicycling path. Then 30 minutes from the house the white out conditions began - the wind started blowing 30mph or more. I kept going. I couldn’t see much because of the white out conditions and at some point I thought that maybe I was insane, I was the only person out there. So after two miles a few fun hills I started to head back home and then….. I had to cross the street so I took my skis off, and I couldn’t put one of them back on. I had so much snow caked and iced up in my binding that my ski wouldn’t clip in anymore. I was on the sidewalk, the passing cars were giving me weird looks and I could not get my boot clipped in. The wind was blowing so hard that I had a hard time standing on one foot while trying to get the other one clipped in to my binding.

With the snow and wind, it's hard to see the lake and the houses

Snow covered buds on a tree

After a while I decide that there was no way I was going to get the binding cleared of snow when the snow was constantly blowing at me, so I gimped back to the house by putting the boot down on the ski and kind of pushing and sliding it along. So after 4 miles I get home and the wind stops blowing.

After 4 miles I made it back home

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