Sunday, April 19, 2009

954RR: Servo Motor for the EGCV

In October of last year the red light lit up on the dash of my 954RR along with the “FI” symbol. After figuring out what it meant with the manual, Mike and I started to read about it on the internet, and as suggested - checked the battery connections, everything seemed good.

Service manual said to take the right fairing off... why? The servo motor is under the tank on the left

Next step was to take the fairings off and look at the servo motor itself but there was no hurry. All the sources we read said that this servo motor isn’t even necessary, the bike will run OK without it. The servo motor activates an Exhaust Gas Control Valve (EGCV) used for noise emission limits. If the servo motor breaks the Exhaust Gas Control Valve remains open.

The Exhaust Gas Control Valve (EGCV) Servo Motor

The lower cable should be inside that notch like the upper cable

But the red light has been bugging me. I want it to go away. So with the ST3 at the dealership and more room in the garage, Mike took the right fairing off just like the service manual said to do, just to find out that the servo motor was located under the gas tank on the left side of the bike. It looked like one of the cables was loose. But after replacing the cable to it's place and further inspecting all the servo motor components, the red light still came on the test ride afterward.

Sunny and 70 degrees

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