Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Cimarron Canyon State Park, New Mexico

Cimarron Canyon State Park is located in New Mexico’s high country. It’s part of the 33,116-acre Colin Neblett Wildlife Area, the largest wildlife area in the state. To the east is the Cimarron Range, a part of New Mexico's Rocky Mountains. To the west the higher Sangre de Cristo Mountains. (See my previous post for more info and pictures on this state park).

Campsite #8 at the Tolby Campground

This is the view from the Cimarron River's edge looking toward my campsite... see my bike on the left?

At 5:30AM my alarm went off inside the tent. The sun was still behind the mountains, it wasn’t dark anymore, but it wasn’t actually light out either. My thermometer was telling me it was in the upper 30’s right now. I grabbed my down jacket, my hat and gloves, grabbed a Luna breakfast bar, some water and went for a little morning hike.

Tolby Trail

Across highway 64 was the Tolby hiking trail, which climbs in to mountains. I didn’t have the time to hike very far this morning. The trail follows the Cimarron River for a bit and then splits. Upper Tolby trail climbs up the mountain, Lower Tolby trail continues to the follow the river, then I'm not sure where it goes. I turned around a bit after the split.

A cold morning, the fire wood was still too damp to start a fire

The sun finially makes it above the mountains

Main entrance to Tolby Campground with the bathroom building on the left (which was still closed for the season)

The cabin in the distance is the visitor center

So many deer here

Since there was no showers here at the campground, when I got back to my campsite I started to tear down the tent and start packing the bike. I wasn’t in too much of a hurry since I wanted the temperature to get in to middle 40’s before I left. The first road of the day would be through a high mountain pass, and I didn’t feel like freezing my butt.

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