Saturday, September 9, 2006

Day 9: Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska

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My chain needed adjustment for the first time at approx. 12,000 miles

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Sandy washed her bike, Paul helped :)

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Then, Paul got a test drive on the ST4s

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And on the ST3

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After a wonderful breakfast and some hanging around, Sandy and I were packed and ready to go. Paul and Deb were going to escort us toward Limon, CO.

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Paul and his R1

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Deb and her R1

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Straight roads all day

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Welcome to Kansas

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Welcome to Nebraska

It started to rain at the border of Kansas and Nebraska, by the time we got to Lexington, NE it was dark and we had been riding in the pouring rain for a while. We grabbed a room at the Holiday Express and ordered a pizza to be delivered to our room.

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