Saturday, September 30, 2006

Slimey Crud Run

It’s that time again, the fall Slimey Crud Run. A bunch of us met bright and early in morning at the Starbucks near Woodfield, then we left and I played lead all day. The morning was chilly but not too bad.

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We got on the interstate and headed for Wisconsin, then took a bunch of back roads, arriving at the first spot about 11:30AM, many people were already leaving but there was still a lot of activity in Pine Bluff, WI.

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I’m such a poser

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Pretty cool sport-tourer

We didn’t hang out very long, we were hungry and headed down the road to eat at Culvers. It was shaping up to be a beautiful day, sunny and in the 70’s. We sat outside at lunch and enjoyed the weather for a long time and then some headed home and the rest of us headed to the second location.

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Cool! I still have to figure out how to carry my MTB on the ST3

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Wonderful scenery in Leland, WI

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Getting ready to leave Leland, WI

We decided to visit the House on the Rock since it was kind of on the way home and kind of on a nice twisty route. Unfortunately the house was already closed by the time we got there so we decided to take some pictures near the awesome looking plants and sculptured pots in the parking lot.

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Check out the Ontario plates on that ST3. Paul, Peter’s friend, towed his bike here from Canada just for the weekend. That’s determination eh?

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We continued east on some great roads and then the sun went down as we got close to the interstate. There was lightening up ahead and I guess I remembered some talk of rain tonight. I didn’t have my rain suit with me and had my leathers on, I was going to get wet. Around Rockford we rode in to the storm, the lightening was one of the more spectacular I’ve ever seen while riding the bike. The rain came down, hard at times, we continued at a brisk pace until the wind picked up and then I had to hide behind a semi for a bit. I was being blown in to the other lane and that’s not fun. The rain eventfully stopped and the wind got better too. I got home after 10PMand I think we managed 400+ miles today.

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