Saturday, November 18, 2006

Munich: Castle Neuschwanstein

Today was our day off and tomorrow we are flying home. Two other co-workers and I rented a car and drove to the Lechtal and Allgäu Alps where the Castle Neuschwanstein (New Swan Castle) is located. The castle was built between 1869 and 1886 by King Ludwig II of Bavaria and is now under consideration to be one of the "New 7 Wonders of the World". Not only that, but the Disney castle was designed to look like the Neuschwanstein castle. It’s really an amazing place, I’m so glad I got to see it.

Read more info about the castle here:

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Some towns we passed on the way

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Even though today was only in the low 50’s and drizzling, I think I rather be riding like this guy

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The castle from the road

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The castle is near the town of Fussen, which is near the Austrian border

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Village of Hohenschwangau

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Castle Hohenschwangau built by Ludwig’s II father

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This is how we got to the castle

We did a tour of the castle, it's the only way to see the inside. It's amazing, although there was no photography allowed inside accept from the windows, so you’ll just have to go there yourself if you want to see it.

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Castle Neuschwanstein

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Views from the castle

We walked all the way down to the car, the road is very steep, it got dark and it was drizzling again.

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Castle Hohenschwangau at night

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