Monday, November 13, 2006

Munich, Germany

I’m here for one week for work. I flew out of Chicago at 6PM on Sunday and landed in Munich Monday afternoon. I flew to London first, then changed planes and flew to Munich. It was a long day by the time I went to bed since I didn't get to sleep on Sunday.

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This beloved beer hall has existed since 1644 and lives up to its reputation: beer, food, tourists, oom-pah music, drunken revelry and Lederhosen.

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Oom-pah band

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Beer really is better in Germany, my favorite is black weiss beer

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Mmmmmm.... German food

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Check out the wall of beer steins, personalized and locked away for their owners

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Tables labeled with "Stammtisch" are reserved for regulars (this is true for all Bavarian restaurants)

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The boulevard between Marienplatz and Karlsplatz/Stachus, with the medieval city gate Karlstor, has been a pedestrian zone and Munich's busiest shopping area since the 1970s.

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