Thursday, September 6, 2007

Julian Price Park, NC to Franklin, NC

Day 6 - 226 miles through North Carolina

I woke up and walked down to the lake to watch the fog roll over the water, a few minutes later the sun popped over the hills and it was time to pack up and go. This camp site also had a nice bathroom near by with running water and flushing toilets. I don’t think there were any showers here, we didn’t see any. Tonight we’re moteling again, we already have a reservation, so the showers will have to wait until then.

Fog hovering over the Price Lake next to our camp site

Our tent from the water's edge

Our camp site at Julian Price Park on the Blue Ridge Parkway

One last stop at Price Lake before heading south on the BRP

Continuing on the Blue Ridge Parkway, today was our last day on the BRP

We did the reminder of Blue Ridge parkway, the very end was absolutely the best. It had the most twisties and we got up to 6,000 feet. This finally looked like some big mountains. The last two days weren’t as hot and as we climbed in elevation I actually had to put on some warmer layers. As I road the part of BRP around Asheville, I actually remembered it from the last time I was here, years ago.

Today we rode the twistiest section of the BRP, carefull to not fall off your motorcycle

Many tunnels today

It's dark in here with the tinted helmet shield

More twisties waiting for us past Asheville, NC

We were hoping to finish the parkway and grab some lunch but it was already 3Pm and we were still on the BRP, so we took off for Waynesville and grabbed some lunch at the Huddle House.

Lunch at the Huddle House in Waynesville, NC

The burgers were really good

The last section of the BRP has the most twisties

Highest point on the BRP is at 6053 feet

This part of the BRP, the scenery and road, felt more like Colorado and less like North Carolina

Wild flowers and mountains

A note posted at one of the visitor centers on the BRP

I shot some video from the back of my bike on the BRP

My camcorder set up using RAM mounts

I've never been to a Huddle House before but I have to say the food was good. Then back on the parkway to finish it up and make our way towards Franklin, NC.

Route 28 was as good and as twisty as I remember it, those are some super tight curves there. So tight that I coudn't take any pictures of them while riding, needed to concentrate on the road.

We had a bit of a problem locating the Colonial Inn, on the Streets & Trips they had it in town, but it was actually outside of town. We arrived there with some light left so we went to the pool for a bit. There were no places to eat near the motel so Mike went and grabbed us some Arby’s.

Dinner in the motel - Arby's sandwitches

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