Friday, September 21, 2007

Last minute ride to Arkansas

I have not been to Arkansas on a bike yet. I have made a few plans in the past to go to Arkansas but each and every time something came up and I ended up not going.

This weekend was the ST.N central meet in Eureka Springs, AR and I was toying with the idea of going, but riding 600 miles on Saturday to Arkansas and riding 600 miles back home on Sunday just didn’t appeal to me since I’ve never been to Eureka Springs and I wanted to spend a bit more time riding the area, not just ride there and the following day turn around and ride home.

Then all the sudden it looked like I would be able to have a short day at work on Friday, so at the last minute Mike and I decided to go for it. It wasn’t going to be the best ride since it involved a lot of interstate, but I really wanted to go. Mike wanted to go too, when he was younger he used to spend his summers in Eureka Springs, and hasn't been there in a while.

Slowing down for road work, looks like they are ready to hang some signs

So we hit road. Today consisted of 600 miles. 500 of those were boring interstate miles. We were in a rush. Not only did I want to make it to Eureka Springs today but I wanted to make it there in time to meet up with the group for some food and drinks. This meant we couldn’t make any long stops. The only stops were for gas and bathroom. Lunch was a quick bite at a gas station. The traffic was heavy all the day from Chicagoland to Eureka Springs, and we ran in to some delays because of road work. It was a hot one, with temperatures in the mid 80's.

On I-55 approaching St. Louis and the arch

This exit from I-55 to I-44 is always backed up

Heavy semi traffic on I-44 in Missouri

After so many hours of interstate, we got on route 65 heading north, which was just another big highway, just like the interstate

Detour and delay, 86 was being paved

Crossing a bridge on 86 in Missouri

Getting closer to Arkansas on 21

We make it to Arkansas

Arriving at the Traveler's Inn in Eureka Springs

In the back of the Traveler's Inn

Rooms were clean and less than $60 per night

Some of us walked over to Sparky's for some food and drinks

First real meal of the day and we were starved

Mike's chicken enchiladas were really good, my cheese and potato enchiladas were kind of bland. I should have ordered chicken as well, but wanted to try something different. Sparky's was a really cool place to eat and it was very nice inside also.

To share, ice cream and brownie for dessert

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