Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Two up on the 954RR?...oh my

When Mike rented the PT Cruiser from Enterprise, he received a special weekend rate. To keep the car past today would cost twice as much per day and Mike didn’t really need the car.

So the car had to be returned and the only way we could do that was to ride back two up on my 954RR.

Now... I don’t even like to ride two up on the Tiger, which is a pretty comfortable bike for the passenger. I’ve been on the back a couple of times for short periods of time and I would imagine a ride from Denver to Colorado Springs two up wouldn’t be so bad on a Tiger. Even my ST3 wouldn’t be too bad two up, but the 954RR? Lets just say I wasn’t looking forward to it.

Mike went ahead to Enterprise. The car was filthy from the Pikes Peaks drive and needed some washing first. After returning the rental car he would then walk two blocks to Foothills BMW Triumph to ask about his bike. I would pick him up there.

Even though it was already later in the morning, the traffic was still kind of heavy in Colorado Springs and on I-25 heading North, but not that bad entering Denver. I arrived in Lakewood and found Foothills BMW Triumph.

Foothills BMW Triumph in Lakewood, CO

Of course I had to check out the dealer and the bikes. Foothills is a very, very nice dealership with BMW’s on one side, Triumphs on the other. The dealer was closed yesterday, but today Mike’s bike was already being looked at. They were hoping to have it done by the end of this week.

After checking out the dealership we got on the 954RR and rode back to Colorado Springs two up. The ride was 75 miles and by the time we got off the interstate in Monument to have a quick lunch, I was in pain. Mostly my legs were falling asleep, but I was just getting sore everywhere from not being able to move around and I couldn’t wait for this ride to be over.

Today’s route 150 miles: 75 miles from Colorado Springs to Denver, one up, then 75 miles back from Denver to Colorado Springs two up

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