Saturday, August 9, 2008

Moab, Utah to Delta, Colorado

We left Canyonlands National Park and arrived in Moab. It was almost 3PM and we were starved, having only eaten granola bars earlier. After eating for a week in our motel room, we were ready for a good meal out. We chose Slickrock Café, a neat looking place on 191 in the middle of town.

Lunch at Slickrock Café in Moab, UT

The food was really good, and my southwest chicken sandwich was one of the best chicken sandwiches that I’ve had in a while.

191 near Moab

After lunch we hit the road. We headed south on 191 and turned east on 46 which turns to 90 in Colorado. This is a great road, I‘ve been on it before in 2006. 46 starts out straight but gets pretty twisty, through the La Sal mountains although there are quite a bit of tar snakes on this road near the Colorado border. There are also a lot of deer here, we saw a few on and around the road and it was still early in the afternoon.

46 through Utah

90 through Colorado

Some tight switch backs on 90

There wasn’t a lot of traffic here, actually we saw only a hand full of cars before we turned north on 141, one of my all time favorite roads in Colorado. The previous time I rode 141 was in 2005 and I rode it in the opposite direction. I remembered there not being a lot of places to get gas on this road and I was a bit concerned when we turned on 141 without gassing up first.

As I remembered 141 was amazing and there was hardly any traffic. And as I remembered, there were hardly any towns and no gas stations for miles and I was getting low on gas. Then all the sudden I reached the town of Gateway. It wasn’t at all the way I remembered it. There was a large resort where there was nothing three years ago and it looked new. There was also a gas station and a grocery store behinds the gates of the resort.

141 through Colorado

141 is one of my all-time favorite roads

The Dolores River runs along highway 141

We grabbed stuff to eat for later at the grocery store, it was huge with a lot of selection. Then we filled up our gas tanks and headed out. The state park I had hoped we would be camping at tonight was still very far away and the day was coming to an end. We would have to find a closer campground, but so far we had seen nothing. We continued on 141, the sun went down and the deer came out. One deer jumped over the back of Mike’s bike while it was crossing the road. Mike didn’t even know it had happened. This was definitely a sign to slow down. The wind was picking up and there was lightening on the horizon when we finally reached highway 50 and headed south.

A brand new resort is Gateway, CO

Gas pumps at the resort in Gateway

We were heading straight for the storm and within minutes it was raining. It was already close to 10PM and we didn’t feel like looking for a campground and setting up the tent in the rain. We pulled in to Riverwood Motel on highway 50 in Delta. The parking lot was gravel and the motel didn’t look like anything special from the outside but our $60 room turned out to be wonderful. The room was huge with refrigerator and microwave, the bathroom was huge too and there were all these little free extras in the bathroom, stuff you‘d find at one of those large fancy hotels. Even a free pack of gum. I highly recommend this place.

We ate the food we bought at the grocery store earlier in Gateway and went to sleep. The weather channel said scattered showers all night so grabbing a motel room was a good idea.

Today's route was 260 miles

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