Saturday, August 9, 2008

Canyonlands: Upheaval Dome to Grand View Point

We woke up to a beautiful morning. I walked over to the Green River Overlook, the sun was in the perfect location in the sky for pictures. By the time I walked back to the campground it was already getting hot and we had to get going.

Green River Overlook

We rode over to the Upheaval Dome and changed in to our shorts and hiking boots so we could do the hike but after we got to the first overlook at Upheaval Dome we turned back around and headed back to the bikes. Not only was it really hot now, it was getting late and we still wanted to ride to the other side of the park.

Upheaval Dome Trail

View from the Upheaval Dome Trail

In the parking Mike met Ilaria and Antonio, a couple from Brussels who were asking Mike about his bike. We learned that they were in the US on vacation and Antonio is a motorcycle rider and works for ACEM (Association des Constructeurs Européens de Motocycles) which in English means Association of European Motorcycle Makers, an organization which defends the interests of motorcycle and scooter riders in Europe. We had a good talk about the differences between American motorcycle riders and European motorcycle riders. Antonio gave Mike his business card and Mike sent him and e-mail a week later, when Antonio wrote back he attached these two photos of us leaving the Upheaval Dome area. That was cool!

Above are two pictures Antonio took of us leaving the Upheaval Dome area

We rode over to the Grand View Point Overlook, walked for a bit around the overlook then headed toward the entrance of the park only stopping one more time at the overlook to Shafer Trail, an awesome looking dirt road.

Grand View Point Overlook

Bikes at the Shafer Trail overlook

Looking down at Shafer Trail road

We really wished we could have spent more time in the park and could have stopped at more of the overlooks but it was getting late and we had to get going. This park is amazing and the next time we come here we will have to bring the dual-sport bikes.

Grand View Point Road in Canyonlands National Park

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