Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Bicycling to work

This is a start of something new. Today I rode my bicycle to work and I plan on riding it to work at least 2 times a week until it gets too cold to ride. It’s fun, good exercise, good for the environment and I will save some money on gas.

Today was a beautiful morning, it was in the mid 70’s when I left the house. The heat has been totally washed away after last night big storm. It was only going to be 83 degrees today and sunny, a great day for a bicycle ride.

The ride to work was about an hour, the majority of it was done on the bicycle path, but since there is so much traffic on the road, I was delayed having to wait for cars to pass so I could cross the street. The portions of my trip via sidewalks were not as fun, unfortunately there are no shoulders on the roads I take so I’m not about ride on the street and get hit by a car.

I work in a corporate environment, no place to lock up or put the bike at work so I left it in an empty office all day. I guess I’ll do that until I’m told I can’t.

Dahon cubed

After work I decided to ride in the opposite direction of home for a bit, it was such a beautiful day. Well, what I dreaded finally happened. I was stopping, pulled my foot once and it wouldn’t come off the pedal, pulled on it twice still stuck, ran out of time, I fell over with the bike… operator error or product malfunction? I thought I yanked hard enough... hmmmmmmmmm.

Well, at least I know how it feel to fall, too bad the bicycle path was paved at this point, no damage to the bike or rider though, just a tiny scrape or two and a couple of bruises. Man, second ride on the bike and I'm crashing already. I guess you can say I ride motorcycles way better then bicycles and having my shoes attached to the pedals is so new to me.

I stopped for a raspberry sorbet, turned around and headed home. Maybe I did a total of 18 miles today. Way more fun than driving the car.

Sorbet, it's what's for dinner

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