Saturday, July 1, 2006

Short ride and bike night in Anchorage

I was pretty out of it all day with only 4 hours of sleep and almost 7 hours on the plane. The plane would have arrived in Anchorage in 6.25 hours by as it was about to land and the wheels where about to touch the run way we shot back up in to the sky, apparently there was another plane on our run way and we needed to wait until it cleared. 30 minutes later we were finally on the ground.

As soon as I got off the plane the clouds disappeared and it was a beautiful day in the low 70’s. After lunch, I took a short walk in the woods. I didn’t see any moose but did find some wild flowers.

Since this was my third visit to Anchorage and I still haven’t been to bike night in Anchorage, I decided to check it out tonight. But first Mark and I rode out to Beluga Point on Seward Highway. It seems that since it stays light most of the night, there is no rush and you can ride until midnight in 'daylight'.

On the way back in to town we rode though to Potters Valley, where there are some nice and twisty roads.

Curves through Potters Valley

Bike night in Anchorage

We finished off the night at Chilkoot Charlie's, a local bar and dance club. I must have gotten a second wind because I was no longer tired. It never got dark tonight, it was twilight outside when we left the bar, around 1AM and sunrise was suposed to come up at 4AM.

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