Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Disappointed in Honda shop

I have favorite dealerships that I like to use for all my bikes for service, but since moving last summer I have decided to use a Honda shop that was a bit closer to me out of convenience. I called them on a Friday and wanted to make an appointment for the 30K service on the 954RR. They said they were slow at the moment and to bring the bike in either that day or the next morning, so the next day, Saturday morning I brought the bike there and I just picked it up now…. That was 25 days ago!!!

I was very greatfull when my ride fell through and the guy from the shop was able to give me a ride home, I live only about a mile and a half from there.

Of course I was honest and I told them that I was in no hurry and didn’t need the bike right away, I did want it back before I left for Alaska though. I called three times during the first week and a half and they hadn’t even looked at it.

Each phone call I told them that if they weren’t done before I left on vacation, they would have to keep it until I got back. So I called again the day before flying out to AK and still no action. Then during my vacation I got a voice mail, they had finally looked at my bike and the cam chain tensioner (CCT) needed to be replaced, they needed me to call and approve the work, which I did.

So I’m a bit disappointed. I’m used to making an appointment and getting my bikes back within a few days, usually 2-4, nothing over a week, and most definitely not two weeks. So I just ask, how can they stay in business when all the dealerships I deal with can turn my bikes around in a few days, even the Ducatis.

I rode the bike home, it sounded great. I thought the noises were valves that needed adjustment but apparently it was the CCT. They seemed to look over the bike pretty well and even informed me I needed a new front tire, I think they did a good job but I just can’t get over the 25 days that they kept my bike.

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