Sunday, October 29, 2006

First short real off-road ride

I don’t deal well with being sick, so even though my nose still was running, I couldn’t take it anymore sitting at home and blowing my nose. Actually it wasn’t running as much as yesterday so in the afternoon I got on the XT and took off exploring.

I got lucky and found a dirt road not too far from where I work. It amazes me that there are places like this in Chicagoland, hidden in the middle of this built-up, paved-over suburbia. Now this was just a short little road connecting two parks and honestly I might have been trespassing again, although the gate I rode around said “no parking” on the sign, not “don’t enter” or “no trespassing“ or “ restricted vehicles only“.

This road had many nice features:

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Lake and curves

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More curves

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Plenty of puddles and mud

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A nice setting sun

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Many trees

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Fallen leaves

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Narrow path

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Wide path

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I enjoyed myself a lot, it’s a completely a different kind of riding. This was also my first ride with the Arai DX, I like it although it doesn’t feel like a street helmet, the padding is different, the fit is different. On the way home I had the XT all the way up to 60MPH, fastest so far, I was in the 6th gear already so not sure how much more it has left to go before it tops out.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Tail rack, GPS and helmet for the XT

Well, I’m out with a cold. My nose is dripping non-stop, just in time for the weekend. And if that wasn’t bad enough, it’s going to be sunny and in the mid 50’s all weekend.

I ran out in the morning and picked up my license plates from the dealership. They came in about two weeks ago. There was a package outside, it was the XT225 tail rack I bought for $45 (with shipping) from North Cascades Motorsports on eBay.

I decided to do the install although with a runny nose it took twice as long as it would have normally, it took 20 minutes. It was the easiest install I’ve ever done on any of my bikes, the last bold didn’t want to line up as easily as the others, it never does.

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Tail rack

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Stock tail section

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Step 1, remove handles

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Step 2, mount rack in to the same holes as the handles, replace handles

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I had an extra RAM mount ball u-bolt, so I mounted my Garmin Quest GPS

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I know, I know, one of these days I have to get that warning sticker off my gas tank. My GPS with the shortest RAM arm, and two days ago I got my off road helmet, an Arai DX Storm Orange. I love the colors on this helmet, I love orange. I found a deal on eBay on this helmet, O don’t get too many deals, I wear an unpopular size, XS.

I’m still waiting on the brush guards that I ordered, they were discontinued so I had to get some other ones, I guess I should get them next week.

The off-road boot situation for me is the pathetic, I didn’t want motor-cross boots but wanted more ankle protection then what my touring boots offer, I wanted an adventure touring boot, well, guess what, most of the really cool ones don’t come in my size, woman’s size 7.5 or euro size 39.

Out of the ones that were available, I picked one, it was on back order, I picked another boot, their source couldn’t get my size even thought the boots is made in my size, but they don’t export the smaller sizes t the US, so I just found another pair of boots, I’ll find in a couple of days if I can get those or not.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Fall Colors Ride

It wasn’t that much of a ride, I had a lot of errands to run and places to go and since the rain was holding off for a while and it was about 60 degrees, I took the bike. The 954RR is the easiest bike to ride so I like it best for city traffic. On the way back home I spotted some colorful trees and pulled over for some pictures. It seems that the colors are turning a bit late this year.

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I haven’t ridden my 900SS in a while, so I wanted to take it for a short ride since tomorrow is supposed to be cold and rainy. Now that’s it’s fall, riding opportunities are few. I pulled the 900SS in to the driveway, put the 954RR in to the garage, by the time I made it around the block, raindrops were falling on my visitor. I went a few blocks and turned around and went home, just a few minutes later it started raining hard and half an hour later I heard thunder.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

XT trespassing

I had so many things to do at home, kept checking the weather and it never got as warm as they said it was going to be and I had so much to do at home. But finally towards the end of the day I got out there looking for some dirt. I found some near the railroad tracks in my town.

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Even found some water crossings

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Just me and the XT near the tracks

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Puddles to play in

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A pile of dirt to play with

Better then riding around on paved roads I guess. I'm not sure if I can ride around here though, I didn’t see any signs that I couldn’t, only sign I saw was for “no dumping” so maybe I can keep coming here to practice some dirt riding. It's kind of fun exploring the town I live in looking for dirt.

My ST3 is home

Today I picked up the ST3 from the dealers, it has a new computer now. Seems to run good but I didn’t get to ride it too much, just rode it home. It was pretty cold and windy. Not too bad today considering that just a few days ago it was snowing.

Then at home I had to make room for the 4 bikes, since my ST3 was at the dealers when I bought the XT couple of weeks ago.

I did want to run the XT for a bit so I went out in the afternoon for a short ride.

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Some weird building I found in town

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It was chilly all day but it got really cold as the sun started to set, so I went home. I’m getting used to the slow bike, even rode on some bigger roads today.

Sunday, October 8, 2006

Day 2: Rock Cut State Park

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The morning was a bit chilly but the sun was shining bright

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Making toast

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The kitchen

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The bedrooms

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Sandy and I rented some kayaks

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Sandy paddling around her dad’s boat

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I managed to stay dry

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After paddling Sandy did some fishing and caught one

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Then we did more mountain biking

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I need my dual sport for this

After dinner and some lounging around, I headed home. I had to work tomorrow, Sandy had the day off. What a great weekend!

Saturday, October 7, 2006

Day 1: Rock Cut State Park

This might be the last chance for camping this year. The weather is getting cooler although the temperature highs this weekend were going to be in the 70‘s.

The day didn’t start all that great, I got a rock in my windshield on the way to the park. Can you imagine if I was on my motorcycle?

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I guess I bought myself a new windshield this weekend

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My sleeping quarters for tonight

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Campsites by the lake

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Hitting the trail on the mountain bike

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This trail was a bit too advanced for me

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The paved bicycle trail was nice and twisty

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Sandy tearing it up on her bike

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Sandy made dinner

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We kept warm by the fire as the temperatures plunged. I had an extra sleeping bag just in case it got really cold but I didn’t need it, I used it as an extra pad.

Tuesday, October 3, 2006

Bike Night 10/4

It was a bit chilly tonight and very, very windy. Rode the new bike tonight.

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After bike night we went to Starbucks for coffee, then I went looking for some dirt. Didn't find any dirt, I did find a gravel parking lot 3 blocks from my house.

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