Saturday, October 21, 2006

Fall Colors Ride

It wasn’t that much of a ride, I had a lot of errands to run and places to go and since the rain was holding off for a while and it was about 60 degrees, I took the bike. The 954RR is the easiest bike to ride so I like it best for city traffic. On the way back home I spotted some colorful trees and pulled over for some pictures. It seems that the colors are turning a bit late this year.

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I haven’t ridden my 900SS in a while, so I wanted to take it for a short ride since tomorrow is supposed to be cold and rainy. Now that’s it’s fall, riding opportunities are few. I pulled the 900SS in to the driveway, put the 954RR in to the garage, by the time I made it around the block, raindrops were falling on my visitor. I went a few blocks and turned around and went home, just a few minutes later it started raining hard and half an hour later I heard thunder.

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