Saturday, October 7, 2006

Day 1: Rock Cut State Park

This might be the last chance for camping this year. The weather is getting cooler although the temperature highs this weekend were going to be in the 70‘s.

The day didn’t start all that great, I got a rock in my windshield on the way to the park. Can you imagine if I was on my motorcycle?

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I guess I bought myself a new windshield this weekend

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My sleeping quarters for tonight

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Campsites by the lake

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Hitting the trail on the mountain bike

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This trail was a bit too advanced for me

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The paved bicycle trail was nice and twisty

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Sandy tearing it up on her bike

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Sandy made dinner

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We kept warm by the fire as the temperatures plunged. I had an extra sleeping bag just in case it got really cold but I didn’t need it, I used it as an extra pad.

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