Monday, December 25, 2006

Big Bend N.P. day 2

Becca and I stayed all night in our tents, Mike headed for his truck in the middle of the night and John was already sleeping in his truck, the winds kept me up all night.

I was the first one up this morning and I watched the sun come up, the winds were still blowing. I was surprised the tents survived all the wind and the bikes were still all standing. BTW, we were the only people with tents in the entire camp site, everyone else were staying in RV’s.

My eyes were swollen from the sand flying inside my tent all night. When I got up I realized that last night I had left the covers from my camping chairs out on top of one of the trailers, they were not there this morning, they apparently blew away. Since the winds were still blowing, I got started looking for them before they blew away too far. I started to walk in the direction of the blowing wind, I found one of the bags stuck on some shrubbery a short walk away, I continued and found the others half a mile away and over on the other side of the hill.

The tents survived the wind

The winds finally died down around noon, and everyone went their separate ways, doing their own ride around the Big Bend park.

All pictures above shot off Ross Maxwell Scenic Drive

I just rode Ross Maxwell Scenic Drive today and stopped for everything that looked good on the way, the ride took the rest of the day and I didn't get back until dark. It was not as warm today as it was yesterday, but a great day anyway.

Dinner at the Starlight Theatre in Terlingua

John, Becca, Mike and I went out to dinner tonight at the Starlight Theatre. Very nice place with live music and good food.

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