Saturday, December 9, 2006

New boots and icy driveway

Last weekend we got a foot of snow. Usually, when it snows this early in the year, it melts rights away. But not this time, the temperatures fell and everything froze, many nights last week it was only in the single digits and some of the days the high temperature was in the teens or low 20's in the daytime. The snow in the driveway got packed in to ice.

Today was one of the warmer days all week, low 30’s but the driveway was all thick ice. At noon nothing was melting even though the sun was out.

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I was bummed, I wanted to ride but with the company holiday party this evening, I needed to get some stuff done and start getting ready. I was hoping some of the stuff would melt today so I could tomorrow.

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But when I got home from the party, this is how the driveway looked. Same as before.

On the bright side, my BMW Santiago boots arrived today, they fit great, I love them and I can’t wait to try them out.

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