Saturday, December 30, 2006

Big Bend N.P. day 7

My last day at Big Bend. It was chilly and cloudy when I woke up. The clouds were hanging low.

Dave and Mike were planning on riding Pinto Canyon south of Marfa, kind of far of a ride for my little bike but it was my last day and I really wanted to go after they described the road, it seemed really amazing. Byron also wanted to go but he was going to tow his bike to Presidio, his tires weren’t that great for riding on pavement.

In Presidio, Byron unloaded his bike, we all gassed up and proceeded to Pinto Canyon Road. My plan was to just take my time and ride the road at my pace. The guys were going to ride to the top and I’d turn around and ride back down with them.

First water crossing

Second water crossing, this one gave me some trouble heading back

That is snow up there in the mountains

Byron and Mike

Byron and Dave

This was my favorite road of the whole week. Not only was it a very scenic road, but the changing conditions from small gravel, to large gravel, to dirt and rock were good practice for me. By the time I road back down I was riding with confidence and having a lot of fun, I even got in to 4th gear.

On the way back we stop for some beverages at the La Junta local store, really cute

We were starved at this point, it never got rally warm either, so we headed back to Presidio for a late lunch - early dinner at the El Patio. Food was good but I‘d imagine it had to be, we were just a few years from the Mexican border.

The ride back to Terlingua was a chilly one. Mike helped me load the bike in to the pick up truck so I was ready to leave bright and early. Later on Dave, Mike, Byron, Ara and myself walked over to the Big Bend restaurant for a late dinner and some more Texas pie.

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