Monday, November 30, 2009

Seen at Kinokuniya Bookstore

If you love manga, anime, fashion or photography -or happen to be fluent in Japanese- then Kinokuniya Bookstore across from Bryant Park is a must. It has been a favorite place for me to go between shows during fashion week in the past but now that FW is moving to Lincoln Center I need to find other times to go there. I was there yesterday and saw this boy. I love how the bottom of his pants remind me of long underwear and his topknot. A look to steal.


The Aloha Fixed crew recently forwarded our way some of the leftover footage from filming of the Bootleg Sessions v.4. A solid teaser of rider Tanner Monmany rocking some of our B43's. After a long weekend, we've all got a serious case of the late day Monday's. Enjoy.

Tanner Edit from ALOHA FIXED on Vimeo.


A variation of a CFNEE WOD:
Each for time:

Pull Ups
Press Ups

Rest 2 Mins

30 Burpees

Rest 2 Mins

Kettlebell Swing
Sit Ups

Post time for each workout to comments

Sunday, November 29, 2009

CFV Games Highlights Video

HUGE thankyou to Chris Dwyer for putting together this vid!! More to follow!

CrossFit Velocity Games 2009

Yesterday was a huge success - there are a ton of photos / videos to come from various sources so please keep checking back here and on our facebook page (add us as a friend!) over the next few weeks.

Congrats to Owen Satterley who won the mens event and Sam Briggs who won the womens!!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Two Steps Forward......

Here is a shot of the panel, now officially fully functional. I pushed the plane outside, turned on the GPS units and left it for 15 minutes to initialize and find its position. The GRT units found their location and I was able to see terrain for the first time. It is really nice. Likewise the Avmap. We spent a good half hour fooling around with them. I am really going to enjoy these. The capability available is impressive. As you will see, I will be scratching and clawing my way slowly to completion. I keep thinking I am almost done and new tasks keep presenting themselves. As the title says, "Two steps forward, one step back". I'm used to it and have come to expect it at this point.


I did the check for gear toe in. This involves dropping a plumb line from the nose and spinner, then measuring out to the outer edge of the tires. You then put a straight I beam against the tires to carry a line up to the front even with the nose. You're supposed to be only one inch closer to center at the front for proper toe in. Of course, my measurements showed too much toe in, which will require disassembly of the wheels and axles and addition of shims. Oh joy.


Above is the tear going up. The clattering noise is me walking backwards after hitting the gear breaker to take a picture. I stepped on everything lying around. Decent fit on the gear doors - just a little more tweaking needed.


Here is the gear going down. I ran it up and down over and over. I got the gear doors adjusted just so. Then, both the swages on the main gear cables let go. The notch in the over center linkage is still sticking occasionally. I used the little swager from Spruce that uses bolts and a socket wrench. I'm going to order new gear cables and do the swages with the big, full on swager borrowed from the A&P. I'm also going to file out that notch a little more and grease it.

I won't waste tomorrow. I still have to connect the tube between the stick and the canard torque tube. I'm sure that's a (mis)adventure waiting to happen.

Oh well, still inching closer. I'll try to keep pushing to get this last stuff finished up before it gets really cold. It was 48 degrees in the hangar today. That wasn't bad through long underwear and a couple layers of fleece.

More to come after tomorrow.


This video addresses recent concerns on the reflector concerning the rearward visibility of the Aveo strobes. I stood about 60-75 feet behind the plane and took this video at dusk. You can see the right strobe when standing directly behind the middle of the right aileron. Likewise, you can see the left strobe from directly behind the middle of the left aileron. In other words, the strobes converge aft of the aircraft so that someone in trail will be able to see you. They converge much closer ahead of the aircraft.


Friday, November 27, 2009

Box Closed

CFV Games tomorrow and so no classes, members who wish to help out should get to the box @9am.

Thursday, November 26, 2009


Thruster 1-1-1-1-1

Met Con:

150 Wall Ball For Time

Post time to comments

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


CFV Games ROM Standards (check our media section for more)

AMRAP 15 mins:

6 Thruster
9 Hangcleans

Post rounds completed to comments

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

A place to hang my shower cap

Recently I pondered what it would be like to hold a job in which I was required to be at work at 7 am and in which the typical week would consist of 60 to 70 hours at the office. Such routines are not at all unusual in New York; in fact, I am one of the lucky few to hold a Manhattan job that offers excellent work-life balance. A few weeks ago, though, I had an appointment that required me to be up at 6 am and on the M5 bus by 7 am, and I knew I wouldn't return home before 7 pm that evening. My day was spoken for before it even began.

As the bus rounded Columbus Circle and made its way along Central Park South, I caught a glimpse of several runners in the Park who were ticking off an early morning workout. Although I had been in the Park the day prior and knew I would be there again the next, I still felt a twinge of envy. Looking around the bus, it was apparent that at least three-quarters of my fellow riders were getting exercise of a different kind: strength training in the form of hauling files to and from the office; aerobic exercise in the form of furious BlackBerry typing; cross-training in the form of simultaneous cell phone text messaging. I couldn't help but think, Is the career and (assuming one is so lucky) the bonus worth it? Do these things compensate for the sardine-tin-sized apartments, the sticky subways, the crowds, and, for many, the need to work long hours (because if you don't want to, someone else is eager to take your place)?

Sometimes (frequently) Zdenek and I ponder these questions, typically during Sunday afternoon strolls along Central Park's bridle path, chai lattes in hand. While I don't have to put in hours at the office worthy of a banker or lawyer, there's some truth to Zdenek's lament that our New York lifestyles are barely one step up from our student days. Apparently, other people agree: an old friend who visited me a couple of years ago once commented that there is "no way" she could live "like this" (meaning, in my apartment). True, it would be nice to have a washing machine at home -- in ten years, I've had the luxury of a W/D (for the New York real estate crowd) for only one year, and that was in Toronto -- but Sunday evening laundromat trips provide an opportunity to fit in a weight lifting session at the gym around the corner while the wash cycle runs. Yes, it would sometimes be nice to have a car to escape the city, but then I think about the associated traffic, gas, and repair bills, and I suddenly don't miss it anymore. And I am the first to admit that our Upper West Side apartment leaves a bit to be desired:
  • I have no closet for my clothes and I actually have to dust off my blazers before I wear them;
  • Our bedroom furniture is plastic (and marked up with packing tape to boot);
  • I must discard old articles of clothing (or shoes or purses) before I have room to store new ones;
  • Our "garage" consists of a set of golf clubs, a few tennis rackets, our bike helmets and other accessories, along with our bikes, and it's right next to our dining table (I would say "kitchen table" or "dining room table," but either would be an overstatement);
  • The IKEA kitchen cart next to our front door holds everything from today's mail to cookbooks to umbrellas to pots and pans;
  • Our bedroom boils every summer without a dedicated air conditioner (the room is actually too small for one to work effectively);
  • Our living room freezes every winter as drafts rush in around that room's window A/C (we'd remove it for the winter, but then we'd have nowhere to put it);
  • And every morning, Zdenek (I am too short) has to hang a green shower cap (it doesn't have to be green, but it happens to be) over our "hallway" (2'x1.5') smoke detector while we shower -- without the cap, the hot steam escaping from the bathroom will incessantly set off the alarm.
(I wanted to post a few photos of our house of horrors, but Zdenek forbade me.)

Despite all of that, I rarely, if ever, find myself pining for a "real" house, a car, or the latest fashion accessory (or somewhere to store it). To me, these things offer only maintenance headaches and/or fleeting satisfaction. I think I learned long ago that, if I'm forced to choose, I am more about "experiences" than "things." (Zdenek almost had this figured out when, on our first Christmas as a married couple, he didn't buy me a gift but rather presented me with a book of coupons for monthly massages at "Spa Zdenek." I was thrilled! Unfortunately, every time I tried to redeem a coupon over the next twelve months, I found the spa to be closed or the masseur too tired. He's since gone back to taking me shopping.) I know that I will end up in a foul mood if I miss more than two days of running if it's due to no other reason than lack of time. I live half a mile from the greatest city playground in the world. I have a fantastic bike mechanic shop only two blocks from my front door, and an equally fantastic running store only one block further. I can walk to work. I spend next to no time commuting, which leaves me plenty of extra time for running, cycling, or sleeping. And a car ride has never once made me smile, but a bike ride is guaranteed to leave me grinning. (And to be honest, I laugh out loud every morning when the shower cap is put in place, and I remind myself daily that I am one of the luckiest people on earth, closet or no closet.)

Someday, I'll probably catch up with the Joneses and I will find myself driving my car into my garage and then walking into my house (and I'll be able to wear high heels doing it, too, because walking miles each day will be a distant memory). But I'm not certain it will make me any happier. Indeed, over the last ten years my disposable income has risen and I have been able to afford more "things," but I'd be hard pressed to tell you what they are or how they made me feel. I could, however, go on for hours about the feeling of pride I get from a good run or the sense of satisfaction I earn after a solid bike ride.

In fact, I could write a blog about it.


Got to check this out! It's a bit of a dig at CrossFit by the CrossFit haters but I think it's funny and if you CrossFit you'll get it!! If your doing something and it's sucessful people always want to knock it - it just shows that it's working!!!!

Strength: Snatch 1,1,1,1

Metcon: 4 Rounds For Time

15 Ring Dips

15 Knees to Elbows

Post loads and times to comments.

Monday, November 23, 2009


Last week's cross-country trip to Portland, Oregon was filled with an overwhelming quantity of good food, a copious volume of Oregon microbrews and Pinot Noir, and three runs (two fast, one easy) within 48 hours. Despite my initial hesitations, it turned out to be a great trip filled with many good laughs. (Favourite trip moment: returning to the hotel at 6:30 pm after a five mile run with a coworker along the Portland waterfront to find a free tasting of Oregon microbrews being served up in the lobby.) Unfortunately, by the time I returned to New York on Friday evening, I was stuffed, jet lagged, and hungover (not necessarily in that order).

When I awoke on Saturday morning, my strong cup of coffee did absolutely nothing to perk me up. And while the first six miles of my Saturday morning 13 miler were not exactly painful, I felt as though I was outside of my body and somehow unconnected to my legs. I was running in a daze. By about mile seven, though, things seemed to come together, and I don't think it was just the effect of my chocolate Power Gel 10 minutes earlier. I finished the 13 miles feeling suitably exhausted and entirely pleased. Twenty minutes later, I was showered, cozy, eating Zdenek's blueberry pancakes, and reading the NY Times.

By plane, train, automobile, and foot, I covered over 5000 miles in four days, and yet it was only the last 13 that really counted. Running has a way of making everything right again.


5 Rounds For Time:

100 Skips
25 Kettlebell Swings
10 Press Ups

Post time to comments

Sunday, November 22, 2009


Shoulder press 1-1-1-1-1 reps
Push press 3-3-3-3-3 reps
Push Jerk 5-5-5-5-5 reps

Post loads to comments.

Saturday, November 21, 2009


3 Rounds For Total Reps With 1 Min on 1 Min off

Kettlebell Swing
Burpee Box Jumps
Wall Ball

Post total reps for each exercise to comments

Friday, November 20, 2009

Paleo and Calcium

Great post from Zach at CrossFit Delaware Valley:

Ever ask yourself: "how do i maintain enough calcium for bone and blood supply on a paleo diet that doesn't include dairy?" Well, it all comes back to the acid/alkaline balance of our diets. Each food we eat creates either a net acid or net akaline load in our system. The typical Western diet puts a net acid load on our system, which our bodies endeavor to balance with alkalines stored internally, namely bone calcium, leading to problems like osteoperosis. By balancing our acid intakes with plenty of alkaline vegetables in a Paleo diet, we can avoid the acidic leaching of bone mineral and maintain optimal bone and blood mineral levels.

Also, since dairy can be a gut irritant, there is evidence to suggest that we may not be absorbing the higher quantities of calcium in dairy as well as we absorb the relatively lower quantities in vegetable and seafood sources. See below for reading on this topic.

Check out this testimonial from a CrossFit Delaware Valley member on how eating Paleo has helped her performance and changed her body shape:

I changed my way of eating in early August to a lower carb paleo diet. I cut grains, dairy and sugar completely and made a diet composed mainly of animal protein, vegetables and fat with the occasional fruit. To be completely honest, the first two weeks sucked HARD. My times were bad, I wasn't lifting as much weight as usual and I could only string together about 3 or 4 pullups on the green band. My moods were off and I was no fun to be around. Then one day, it just clicked. I woke up in a better mood after the first restul sleep in quite a while. I finished the WOD first and I did it as prescribed. Since then, it felt like I hit a PR every time I stepped up to the bar. In the Crossfit Total, my back squat went from 125 to 175, deadlift from 220 to 270, and shoulder press from 60 to 70. I can now string together a few pullups on the blue band and can move faster during metcons. I went from not being able to complete a 400m run to running a mile. These improvements have also helped in maintaining a more focused ISAL. It's easier to see what exactly needs improvement as far as form and where my strength is failing instead of a general feeling of sucking at everything. I've also included a multivitamin, fish oil supplement and post WOD whey isolate. Outside of the gym, my quality of sleep has improved as well as my energy throughout the day. From an aesthetic perspective, my skin has gotten better, I don't feel gross after eating lunch and got rid of a lot of problems that turned out to be related to gluten aversion like sore throats and digestive issues. According to blood work results, all of my numbers are excellent. It also took a long time, but I think I'm starting to see changes in body comp and fat loss.

Check this out INSANE!!
Rob Orlando, One Armed Fran - video [wmv] [mov]

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Wednesdays 6pm class meet Diane

5 Rounds For Max Reps of:

Body Weight Back Squat
Pull Ups
Rest as needed between rounds

Post total reps for each exercise and each round to comments

Wednesday, November 18, 2009




Handstand Push Ups

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Mississippi Merger Complete With New CEO The Rankin Ledger in Mississippi has a great profile on soon-to-be formed Girl Scouts of Greater Mississippi'

Mississippi Merger Complete With New CEO

The Rankin Ledger in Mississippi has a great profile on soon-to-be formed Girl Scouts of Greater Mississippi's new CEO Karen Livingston-Wilson. Livingston-Wilson, an Attorney in Jackson, MS, decided to become an attorney at age twelve, due in part to attending a Girl Scout career fair. Many great Livingston-Wilson quotes from the article, including:
"In our ever-evolving and challenging world we live in today, girls need the leadership and character development skills that Girl Scouts teaches now more than ever... If I can help girls and young women become strong and confident leaders of tomorrow, I will feel that I have given back a small portion of what Girl Scouting has given to me."

Actress Abigail Breslin Becomes a Girl Scout

Actress Abigail Breslin Becomes a Girl Scout

Last night, indie-darling Abigail Breslin, star of the filmLittle Miss Sunshine, was sworn in as a Girl Scout during a ceremony at the 20th Century Fox studio lot in Studio City, California. Abigail will also be starring in the upcoming movie, Nims Island.

Congratulations to the San Fernando Council for pulling off such a wonderful event!

Sanjay Dutt moved out of Sanjay Gupta's production hous

Sanjay Dutt moved out of Sanjay Gupta's production house

It's stale news that actor
SANJAY DUTT moved out of Sanjay Gupta'sproduction house White Feather Films, however the actor has now formed a production house of his own called Sanjay Dutt Productions.

Dutt had maintained that though he'll continue to be a part of Gupta's films, it'll be only in the capacity of an actor.It can be remembered that Sanjay Dutt was part of Alibaug and during the shoot of the film was put behind bars.

Sanju was then granted bail. And for some reason in trying to justify Gupta's approaching Pradhan, Vishwajeet has been made the villain of the non-issue. When we called him up to ask him what actually happened, this is what he had to say

"After Sanjay Dutt got arrested, I got a call from Hansal Mehta. He told me he needs to meet me for some urgent work. I was excited because I thought it was some role he was going to offer me.

Instead he requested me to meet Sanjay Gupta who wanted that I play Dutt's double in the film. I've never said that I was approached to replace Sanju, who is a great friend of mine and has also helped me immensely in my career.

"I declined the offer to be Sanjay's body double. My system wouldn't allow me to do that. Once Sanjay Dutt was out on bail. He is using his power and money to clean his face, and save his friendship with Dutt.

"And in this effort of Gupta trying to regain his position, I'm being used as the duster. He's making it look like it was me who gave misleading quotes. I've never said that I was replacing Dutt.

He took that in writing from me, and has had it published in all trade magazines. What is the use of all that? I've enjoyed an untarnished image till now, directors.

I've worked with before are keen to work with me again, and it's so unfair to put me unjustifiably so in bad light just to regain a lost position. And that's exactly what Gupta is doing to get into Dutt's good books all over again."

Sanju Baba

Sanjay Dutt - Sanju Baba marriage with Manyata
Bollywood Superstar Sanju Baba finally marriage with his girlfriend of two years, Manyata, at the Taj Exotica in Goa on February 7 in front of a few close friends as witnesses. The couple solemnised the marriage vows according to Hindu rites on Monday in Mumbai. Before marriage Sanjay Dutt completed the divorce proceedings with ex-wife Rhea Pillai. But her sisters Priya Dutt and Namrata refuse to attend the marriage cermony.



Sanjay Dutt in August 2009

As I am German, most of my links will lead to websites and discussion boards in German, especially as I don't want to forget my friends who helped me creating my Sanjay Dutt Fan Website. Please feel free to recommend me good pages in English where people can read more about Sanju. I'll be happy to link them here.

Marco's Molodezhnaja-Website is probably one of the world's most substantial collections of international film reviews and information, also about Hindi Cinema, in German.

Part of this website is a discussion board in German with a Sanjay-Dutt-Forum (threads for news, films, pictures etc). There you can find me nearly every day...

An invaluable help for me (as I'm a complete computer idiot) was babasko, whose Blog Baba Aur Bollywood(in English) is always worth a visit - as well as gebruss's Bollywood Blog Antarra's ramblings (even this one in English) and Marc's informative bollywoodblog.

BollyWHAT is a recommendable discussion board for you who prefer to discuss in English.
(Here I met Anamika and gebruss who didn't hesitate to join me in my marathon of translating my film reviews from German into English. My heartfelt thanks for their support, as well as to nandini67 from Marco's Bollywood-Forum!)

You need beautiful avatars, not only of Sanjay Dutt? Visit osakhija, simran and Ghandi.
And Anksuni makes terrific wallpapers, signatures and avatars with Sanjay. Likewise Jassi. (Watch even Jassi's Gallery.)
(My special thanks to osakhija for the banners on my homepage - and to Anksuni, for without her this website would never have got a picture gallery.)

A special friendship exists between the German fans of Sanjay Dutt and Kabir Bedi (no wonder - both are amazing actors and bloody attractive tigers with unmistakeable voices and striking charisma). So please meet the Kabir Bedi Fanclub. And here are fansites for some more of Sanjay's friends and colleagues:Aamir Khan, Ajay Devgan, Shahrukh Khan, Hrithik Roshan and (in English!) Akshay Kumar and Ranbir Kapoor.

And as a little bonus I'd like to share with you Radha Kishan's heart-warming words of love for Sanju: "I love Sanjay Dutt"

Sanjay's Religiosity

Sanjay's Religiosity

"I believe in God and I recite prayers of various religions. I’ve also read many religious books and they only tell you to be a good human being and to be thankful to God." (Sanjay Dutt)

As a son of a Hindu father and a Muslim mother, Sanjay respects not only these two but all religions. He himself is Hindu and extremely religious. He firmly believes that God will always protect him and never leaves the house without saying a prayer. The Dutt family regularly performs poojas at home and in temples. From his faith Sanjay gains most of his admirable inner strength which helps him facing and passing the ordeals and turbulencies in his life. He especially connects with Mata.

Sanjay Dutt - Charity / Religiosity

Sanjay Dutt - Charity / Religiosity

Sanjay Dutt on December 17, 2006
with children who, successfully, underwent a drug rehab

Sanjay's Charity

"If you have it, give it." (Sanjay Dutt)
"When you're in trouble, turn to Munnabhai." (Sharin Wader)
"It's people like Sanjay who make our world a better place." (Achala Sachdev)

Sanjay does a great deal for many charitable purposes and goes out of his way when he can help people. Among other things, he works with patients suffering from AIDS, cancer and spastic paralysis. After Sunil Dutt's death he took on his father's legacy including his charitable institutions, e.g. the Nargis Dutt Memorial Foundation, founded by Sunil in memory of Nargis, which provides access to medical treatment for indigent cancer patients. He also supports the CPAA (Cancer Parents Aids Association); in this CPAA Newsletter you'll find a heartwarming report about how Sanjay fulfilled the last wish of a 16-year-old blood cancer patient. The NGO RareBloodGroops also can always rely on Sanjay and his support.

Understandably, an important concern to Sanjay is drug prevention and help for drug addicts. He supports the NGO SUPPORT (Society Undertaking Poor People's Onus for Rehabilitation), helping street children to get away from drugs, and is available as a consultant for drug addicts at any time. He doesn't shy away from talking in public about his drug phase, just to prevent other people from making the same mistake as he did respectively to give them the courage to fight their addiction - if he could make it, others can make it, too.

A photo from Stardust Annual 1997: Sanju plays with children
from the Akanksha Foundation, an NGO working with underprivileged
children in the slums to make them educated and self-raliant in life.

Sanjay has a great love for children. Often he visits orphanages and children wards in hospitals to play with the children, or he spontaneously invites them for a ride in his car. He also organizes events whose proceeds he provides to projects for children. Working for the NGO Support, he often invites drug-addicted street children to his home, and they just love their Sanju bhayya (or Munnabhai, as they also lovingly call him) and would do everything to be with him - even kicking drugs...
(Here you can find the heart-warming article "The Modern Messiah" from 1997 about Sanjay's work with slum children for the Akanksha Foundation.)

Another NGO Sanjay willingly became brand ambassador for is "Save the Children", founded by the late Vipula Kadri, mother of Mana (Sunil) Shetty: "The fact the Sanjay Dutt is very closely involved with many charitable causes is known to one and all. Adding yet another feather to his already impressive cap of social work, Sanjay Dutt would now be seen as the face of ‘Save the Children’." (IndiaFM, December 7, 2007)

Sanjay Dutt - Awards and Nominations

Sanjay Dutt - Awards and Nominations

Sanjay Dutt with his Filmfare Award 2000
"Best Actor" for Vaastav

Bollywood Movie Awards

2003: Winner Critics Award Male for Kaante

2004: Winner Most Sensational Actor for Munnabhai M.B.B.S.

2007: Nomination as Best Actor for Lage Raho Munnabhai

Filmfare Awards

1992: Nomination as Best Actor for Saajan

1994: Nomination as Best Actor for Khalnayak

1994: Nomination as Best Actor for Gumrah

2000: Winner in the category Best Actor for Vaastav

2001: Nomination as Best Actor for Mission Kashmir

2003: Nomination as Best Supporting Actor for Kaante

2004: Winner in the catergory Best Performance in a Comic Role for Munnabhai M.B.B.S.

2006: Nomination as Best Supporting Actor for Parineeta

2007: Nomination as Best Actor for Lage Raho Munnabhai

Global Indian Film Awards (GIFA)

2006: Nomination as Best Actor for Lage Raho Munnabhai

2006: Winner of the Critics Choice Award as Best Actor for Lage Raho Munnabhai

International Indian Film Academy Awards (IIFA)

2000: Winner in the category Award for Artistic Excellence, Actor in a Leading Role for Vaastav

2001: Nomination as Best Actor in a Leading Role for Mission Kashmir

2004: Nomination as Best Actor in a Leading Role for Munnabhai M.B.B.S.

2005: Nomination as Best Actor in a Negative Role for Musafir

2007: Nomination in the category Best Performance in a Leading Role for Lage Raho Munnabhai

Sansui Awards

2001: Nomination as Best Actor in a Supporting Role for Mission Kashmir

2004: Nomination as Best Actor for Munnabhai M.B.B.S.

Stardust Awards

2004: Winner Stardust Star of the Year Award for Munnabhai M.B.B.S.

2006: Nomination as Best Actor in a Supporting Role for Parineeta

2007: Winner Stardust Star of the Year Award for Lage Raho Munnabhai

Star Screen Awards

2000: Winner in the category Best Actor for Vaastav

2001: Nomination as Best Actor for Kurukshetra

2001: Winner in the category Best Supporting Actor for Mission Kashmir

2004: Nomination as Best Actor for Munnabhai M.B.B.S.

2005: Nomination as Best Supporting Actor for Deewaar

2006: Nomination as Best Actor for Lage Raho Munnabhai

2006: Winner Critics Award for Lage Raho Munnabhai

Zee Cine Awards

2001: Winner Zee Premiere Choice Awards for Mission Kashmir

2001: Nomination as Best Actor for Mission Kashmir

2006: Nomination as Best Actor in a Supporting Role for Parineeta

2007: Nomination as Best Actor for Lage Raho Munnabhai

2007: Nomination as Fun Cinema's Entertainer of the Year for Lage Raho Munnabhai

2007: Winner Critics Award for Lage Raho Munnabhai

AXN Action Awards

2007: Nomination as Best Action Actor for Zinda

2008: Winner of the Best Action Actor Award for Shootout At Lokhandwala

Other Awards and Honours

2004: Bollywood Fashion Awards: Celebrity Style Male

2007: Sanjay Dutt was honored by Gandhi Vichar Andolan for promoting Mahatma Gandhi's ideals in Lage Raho Munnabhai.

2008: Sanjay Dutt received a special memento from the Uttar Bhartiya Samaj Sangh on Maharashtra Day Celebrations functions held at MMRDA grounds at the Bandra Kurla Complex on May 1.

2008: UNESCO: Sanjay Dutt was awarded by United Nations director Shalini Dewan on the 60th year celebration and award ceremony held in Amritsar by All India Human Rights Association on 11 December. An epitome of strength and resilience, Sanjay has been associated with various social causes and has stood as a staunch supporter for the masses for many important social issues. He was also appointed UN Goodwill Ambassador.


Sanjay Dutt in Vaastav

Sanjay Dutt about his Filmfare Best Actor Award for Vaastav

"As I said on the Filmfare Awards night, it's taken me 20 years to win a trophy, Yup, this trophy means the world to me.

Vaastav was special. It took many meetings between Mahesh Manjrekar and me to crack the deal. However, I knew there was potential in the role from day one. Also, Mahesh's enthusiasm was infectuous.

When we ran out of money half-way through the film making, Mahesh was very upset but somehow we pulled through the crises.

Though I was still figuring out the character of Raghu in the first schedule, I got under his skin soon after.

There were several disturbing moments in the film. After I shot the climax with Reema Lagoo, I was a wreck for a few days. That scene drained me completely. The rushes of the scene gave me gooseflesh.

Vaastav made me aware of the vast untapped talent in the movie business. Sanjay Narvekar, who played my best buddy Dedh Footiya, is an amazing actor. So are Reema Lagoo and Shivaji Satham who played my parents. When I saw the kind of dedication these guys put into their work, I gave up all starry nakhras.

For the first time my wardrobe didn't come from Gabbana or some hi-fi designer. Mahesh Manjrekar bought clothes from footpath shops... and he even made me wear his own colourful ganjis and shirts. That's why I looked like an authentic chawlwala.

When shooting was stalled in between, I was dejected. I'd have given up and moved on because I had other projects on hand. But for Mahesh it was a do-or-die situation. Rhea also insisted that we revive Vaastav. She sensed the film's potential. I can't thank her enough for this.

For the first five years of my career, I was just treated as a star son. My physical attributes and my shenanigans made more news than my performances. But Mahesh Bhatt and Naam changes all that.

Naam made me realise that I had what it takes to be an actor. It was the rebirth of Sanjay Dutt. I felt dejected when I didn't win an award for Naam. And I also felt ignored when the same happened during Saajan, Sadak, Khalnayak and Hathyar. I got excellent reviews, but no awards.

I'm glad Vaastav has brought me recognition. Not only has it consolidated my position at the box-office, but it's also given me an incentive to do quality work.

I will never sleepwalk through a film. My learning process won't stop just because I've won an award. I've got to think beyond Vaastav now. My honeymoon with the camera will continue for a long, long time.

There are not many author-backed roles for me. But I'm excited about Mission Kashmir, Kurukshetra and Chal Mere Bhai."


Sanjay Dutt in Mission Kashmir

Sanjay Dutt about his Zee Premiere Choice Award as Best Actor for Mission Kashmir

"I am very happy to have got this critics' award. To me it is the highest accolade an actor can get. My growth as an actor has got a lot to do with the experiences I've gone through. I think people who want to becone good actors should go to jail (laughs). Such experiences make you grow fast and become mature. Life teaches you best. If you see Saajan, Vaastav and Mission Kashmir, you will find a dramatic change in the level of my performances. When Vinod (Chopra) narrated the story of Mission Kashmir to me I was impressed by the character of Inayat Khan and instantly accepted the film. Inayat was an honest yet complex character, who goes through a series of battering in life and yet comes out a winner.

During the making of the film Vinod would occasionally ask me to write a scene and I would do it. One of them was when I come home after my wife's death. I get down to putting the house in order expecting her to return, then suddenly remember that she is dead. The toughest part in the role was when I go to the bathroom and start crying after young Hrithik asks me whether those were my son's clothes. It was a very tricky scene, the audience would either gone with it or laugh at it."

(Zee Premiere, May 2001)


Sanjay Dutt and Sunil Dutt in Munnabhai M.B.B.S.

Sanjay Dutt about his Star Of The Year Award for Munnabhai M.B.B.S.

"I signed Munnabhai M.B.B.S. because I loved the script. And once I started shooting for it, the film grew on me; the scenes, the dialogues, the chemistry and rapport with my co-stars Arshad, Boman, Jimmy and above all, the guidance of Vidhu Vinod Chopra and my director Raju (Rajkumar Hirani). I had such great fun working for the film that I used to look forward to another day of fun and laughter on the sets. This film also gave me an opportunity to face the camera with my Dad for the first time in my career. And that makes this film and this award a very, very special award to me. And last, but certainly not the least, I thank the audience and my fans who voted for me since this award is based on the readers' poll."

Sanjay Dutt about his Filmfare Best Actor In A Comic Role Award for Munnabhai M.B.B.S.

"To be honest, I was disappointed at being nominated in the category of Best Actor In A Comic Role. I was taken aback by this nomination because I had not indulged in any kind of buffoonery in the film nor was I a comedian. I was the hero of the film. You know, they don't have such categories abroad. An actor is an actor; he's not compartmentalised into categories.

But I'm not the kind of guy who takes things to heart and broods over them for too long. After a while, I look at the positive side of things. Paresh Rawal, Johnny Lever and Boman Irani, the other actors nominated in that category, are amazingly talented, so I was in good company.

Believe me, right from the time I started shooting for Munna Bhai M.B.B.S., I knew the film would do well. Rajkumar Hirani is a very talented guy and he's here to stay. And this film will always remain special for me because it was the first time I shot with my dad, who played my father in the film.

I was a little reluctant to go for the award ceremony because I'm a bit awkward at public functions and especially at award functions. I finally attended not because I expected to win but because I have a soft spot for Filmfare. There's an emotional bond with the journalists from the magazine.

In fact, I was not confident about winning the trophy at all. Everyone around was sure I would get it of course, but when the nominations were announced I had my moments of 'Will I, won't I?' I was really happy when my name was announced and it felt nice to hold the trophy in my hand. It means a lot when your hard work is noticed."


Sanjay Dutt in Lage Raho Munnabhai

Sanjay Dutt about his Star Of The Year Award for Lage Raho Munnabhai

"I was completely caught by surprise when it was announced that I have won this award. I'm truly honoured to receive this award, it's very encouraging. Munnabhai is a role that I've really enjoyed playing, especially second time round. The character has become really popular and this validates the fact since it's a readers' choice award. And the fact that I've won this award despite the presence of such strong contenders like Hrithik, Shahrukh and Salman Khan has really taken me by surprise. 'Stardust' is like family to me and I'm really honoured."

Vidhu Vinod Chopra about Sanjay Dutt's Zee Cine Critics Award for Lage Raho Munnabhai
Sanjay could not be present at the award function in Malaysia so Vinod and Raju Hirani took the award for him, and Vinod in a sudden emerge of emotion exclaimed:

"Sanju, you should have been here, man! This is such a wonderful moment! Of all the awards we received and I got in my whole life, this is the most precious because this man deserved this award for years!(applause) And three cheers for Sanjay Dutt - hipp hipp - hurrah! Got it, man - you deserve it! Thank you everybody!"

Sanjay Dutt about his India Splendour Award for Lage Raho Munnabhai

"It was a great honour for me to enact the role of Munnabhai in 'Lage Raho Munna Bhai'. Doing the film was a learning experience for me. Gandhism is relevant today and will always remain relevant. I believe in non-violence, peace and let people live. Both my mother and father were Gandhians."

Mewa Lal Gupta of the Gandhi Vichar Andolan about honoring Sanjay Dutt for Lage Raho Munnabhai

"We have taken note of the fact that what the entire nation could not do in independent India has been achieved by Sanjay Dutt through his role as Munna Bhai. The extent to which the message of Mahatma Gandhi could be spread through the film was incredible. I am really impressed by the overwhelming impact the film made on the minds of common people. As far as we are concerned, we see enough reason to felicitate the man who deserves praise for effectively spreading the message of the father of the nation. Sanjay has done something that books, visuals, and other laudable efforts could not achieve over the decades."


MTV's Most Stylish Person 2004

"Dutt has been constantly reinventing himself and is always a step ahead of all competition. 'He was the first one to work out for a great physique, to get a tattoo and to get his hair streaked. His constant experimentation with his looks work so well that after a time, it becomes a trend,' says his good friend and director Sanjay Gupta. Even at 45, he can beat the hell out of all the younger guys when it comes to style, which is why Sanjay Dutt was the choice for MTV’s Most Stylish Person (male) for 2004."

(Blend, January 2005: India’s Most Stylish Men)

Sanjay Dutt

Sanjay Dutt

"Phir Bhi Dil Hai Sanjustani – We’re there with you, Sanju!"

This fan-site is dedicated to the life and creative work
of the Indian film actor Sanjay Dutt.

It is my tribute of love, admiration and respect
for a man who is both an amazing actor
and a wonderful human being with a golden heart.

Love, Diwali