Friday, November 13, 2009

Hello From Down Under!

Andy Edwards sent me an email a few weeks ago (Andy is someone who Jaffa and I played rugby with in the Wales Students team). He is basically living in OZ at the moment:

Matt, Jaffa and Killa

Did a search in Google and seen you've opened an epic box back home in Swansea. Keep up the good work with Crossfit Velocity and expect a new member come May 2010. At last Swansea will see some proper athletes rather than the pumped up roid heads from Kicks.

I've been training seriously with the Method and Zoneing for the last 3 months in Sydney and will be competing in the Aussie qualifiers.

Good Luck and Best Wishes with the box- it will be a success.

Andy Edwards

Andy recently placed 13th in the CrossFit Newcastle (Oz) games In a strong line up of 60 male athletes that is an awesome achievement!!
Here is a clip of Andy doing a WOD in sunny Oz with the guys from CrossFit Active (Sydney). How nice would it be to train in those conditions!! Post your thoughts to comments.

Five rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters
2 pood (32kg) Kettlebell swing, 30 reps
30 Pull-ups

Post time to comments.

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