Saturday, November 28, 2009

Two Steps Forward......

Here is a shot of the panel, now officially fully functional. I pushed the plane outside, turned on the GPS units and left it for 15 minutes to initialize and find its position. The GRT units found their location and I was able to see terrain for the first time. It is really nice. Likewise the Avmap. We spent a good half hour fooling around with them. I am really going to enjoy these. The capability available is impressive. As you will see, I will be scratching and clawing my way slowly to completion. I keep thinking I am almost done and new tasks keep presenting themselves. As the title says, "Two steps forward, one step back". I'm used to it and have come to expect it at this point.


I did the check for gear toe in. This involves dropping a plumb line from the nose and spinner, then measuring out to the outer edge of the tires. You then put a straight I beam against the tires to carry a line up to the front even with the nose. You're supposed to be only one inch closer to center at the front for proper toe in. Of course, my measurements showed too much toe in, which will require disassembly of the wheels and axles and addition of shims. Oh joy.


Above is the tear going up. The clattering noise is me walking backwards after hitting the gear breaker to take a picture. I stepped on everything lying around. Decent fit on the gear doors - just a little more tweaking needed.


Here is the gear going down. I ran it up and down over and over. I got the gear doors adjusted just so. Then, both the swages on the main gear cables let go. The notch in the over center linkage is still sticking occasionally. I used the little swager from Spruce that uses bolts and a socket wrench. I'm going to order new gear cables and do the swages with the big, full on swager borrowed from the A&P. I'm also going to file out that notch a little more and grease it.

I won't waste tomorrow. I still have to connect the tube between the stick and the canard torque tube. I'm sure that's a (mis)adventure waiting to happen.

Oh well, still inching closer. I'll try to keep pushing to get this last stuff finished up before it gets really cold. It was 48 degrees in the hangar today. That wasn't bad through long underwear and a couple layers of fleece.

More to come after tomorrow.


This video addresses recent concerns on the reflector concerning the rearward visibility of the Aveo strobes. I stood about 60-75 feet behind the plane and took this video at dusk. You can see the right strobe when standing directly behind the middle of the right aileron. Likewise, you can see the left strobe from directly behind the middle of the left aileron. In other words, the strobes converge aft of the aircraft so that someone in trail will be able to see you. They converge much closer ahead of the aircraft.


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