Sunday, March 21, 2010


The Targets board is looking a little empty! Back in January we introduced the targets board the reason for which I think I will revisit. CrossFit is a strength and conditioning programme that aims to develop a BROAD, GENERAL AND INCLUSIVE fitness, "our speciality is not specialising". By this definition alone it is clear that a wide range of skills and fitness components are needed to succeed and progress in your CrossFit training. Where do you start? Olympic lifts, kipping, muscle ups, double unders, overhead squat, wall ball, box jumps, handstands, l-sits, ring dips, push jerk..................the list goes on. EVERY CrossFitter (even Mikko Salo) has chinks in their armour and you can only really progress if you address these weaknesses and turn them into strengths. The Targets board is your first step to doing this. Pick one movement / skill that you have prioritised as needing the most work. Write it on the board under "I Suck at" then set a realistic goal to achieve in about 6-8 weeks. When you achieve it, it becomes a pb/pr (personal best/record) put it under that months PB column. Simples.

Personally speaking double unders are my chink. I set a target in Jan to be able to complete 10 consecutive DU's by Feb. I did not achieve it - do I feel bad? Not at all, looking back at my training log I hit a number of PB's in other areas during that time and upon reflection probably did not spend enough time practising the DU. So it is now my target for March - and I think I will get there before the end of the month (I hit 8 in a row today,so close!)

So get your targets on the board and dedicate time to working on them during the skill practice portion of a class!

"Have fun screwing means you are removing ego from the problem" G Glassman

Get to a pool

10x50m Any Stroke

Complete the 50m as fast as possible. Go every 2 minutes (use the remainder of the 2 minutes as your recovery)

Post your thoughts on Targets to comments

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