Friday, October 30, 2009

New York City's finest

Today has been a strange mix of excitement and wistfulness. The New York City marathon is rolling into town this weekend, and the day is sure to bring sunny skies, cool temperatures, thousands of international runners, millions of cheering fans, and one exciting road race. I anticipate that we’ll be hopping in and around Manhattan to spot both professionals and friends making the five-borough, 26.2 mile journey. Watching any marathon is an inspiring and thrilling experience, and it always leaves me cheering on the sidelines, clapping and yelling, desperately wishing that I could be running it, too. But the New York City marathon is a different kind of race altogether. Though I’m excited to be a spectator on Sunday, I’m a bit sad that I won’t be sporting a bib myself.

Boston may lay claim to hosting the oldest and most prestigious marathon, but in my experience, the only city in the world that really knows how to throw a party around running is the one in which I currently live. I was delighted to gain entry to last year’s NYC marathon through the three-strikes-and-you’re-in policy. That is, any applicant who fails to gain a spot through the lottery for three consecutive years obtains guaranteed entry in the fourth year. 2008 was my year. During the summer of 2008, however, I had already committed to training for a September half-marathon and biking as much as much as my cross-training would permit. Once the 13.1 mile race was under my belt at the end of September, I had exactly five weeks to prepare myself for a race twice the distance.

NYC would number as my sixth marathon. The five that came before it were completed following 16 to 18 weeks of regimented training, during which I always ran at least three long runs of 20+ miles (and, often, 23 or 24 miles only three weeks before race day). Leading up to the NYC marathon, however, my longest run over the past four months had been a pitiful 15 miles -- plenty for a half-marathon; a warm-up for the marathon. My coach and I devised the “crash training plan” to get me in condition for 26.2 over five weekends:
  1. Week one: 13 miles
  2. Week two: a slow 18 miles
  3. Week three: a slow 21 miles
  4. Week four: taper
  5. Week five: 26.2 in NYC!

While it was a bit of stretch for me to imagine how I could possibly complete the marathon on such poor preparation, for the first time in my running “career,” my goal for a specific time was replaced by a goal to enjoy the race. My coach urged me to stick to a pace that would clock me in around four hours. I bought a disposable camera to carry on the course so that I could force myself to look around, take it all in, and snap a few photos. I was determined to just enjoy the experience of running and racing in the Big Apple.

As I learned, the trouble with the NYC marathon is this: when almost 40,000 runners from almost every corner of the planet migrate at the crack of dawn to gather on Staten Island; when those runners line up at the Verrazzano Bridge with helicopters hovering overhead and Sinatra’s “New York, New York” blasting through the mass of shivering, excited bodies; when those runners then make the two mile journey over the bridge to turn a corner and find themselves greeted in Brooklyn by cheering fans holding “Welcome” signs; when those runners wind their way through the diverse neighborhoods of Brooklyn and Queens; when those runners cross the 59th Street Bridge, on which all that can be heard is the sound of feet hitting pavement until, gradually, the sounds of cheering fans in Manhattan drowns everything else out; when those runners make the turn off the bridge and onto 1st Avenue, greeted by a wall of screaming spectators five or ten deep; when those runners race up through Manhattan, across into the Bronx, and wind their way back through Harlem; when those runners continue down Fifth Avenue where, by mile 21 and 22, the ever-so-gradual incline is amplified to painful proportions; when those runners enter into the greatest playground in the world, Central Park, in all her autumn glory; when those runners make the final turn onto Central Park South, past Columbus Circle, and back into Central Park for the final few hundred meters; and when you are one of those runners, it is impossible to “stick to your pace!”

New York City was not my fastest race, but nor was it my slowest. It was, however, my most memorable. During the race, I spotted my friends and family around East 76th Street, and I made my way over to the barricade to give and receive hugs. I exclaimed at the time, “I will never run any other race except this one from now on!” Though that proved to be not quite true -- I’ve since run a marathon elsewhere -- I doubt I’ll run another one like New York. I’ve enjoyed a rewarding summer of cycling and running this year and, indeed, that was point of not planning for a fall marathon. And while I’ll be out there cheering in full force for the runners at the 40th edition of the NYC marathon this Sunday, I am, and will be, more than a bit jealous that I’m not one of them. New York may have crowds, bed bugs, and insanely high rent, but it also has the best 26.2 miles any city could offer. And for one day each November, nothing else matters.

Miss Universe 2009 SWIMSUIT Photos

Miss Sweden Renate Cerljen

Miss USA Kristen Dalton

Miss South Africa Tatum Keshwar.

Miss Thailand Chutima Durongdej.

Miss Mexico Karla Carrillo

Miss Ecuador Sandra Vinces

Miss Germany Martina Lee

Miss Spain Estibaliz Pereira Rabade

Miss Australia Rachael Finch

Miss Russia Sofia Rudyeva

Miss Italy Laura Valenti.

Miss Philippines Bianca Manalo

Miss Czech Republic Iveta Lutovska


Complete 100 Pull Ups for time using a kipping pull up, a strict pull up or any other way you can from an open shoulder to your head over the bar.

Post times to comments.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

My little piggies

In preparation for the NYC marathon this Sunday, the NY Times has been printing a range of running- and marathon-related articles over the past several months. I can relate to many of these articles: running in bad weather, nightmares on the night before the big day, fueling strategies, and, of course, injuries. Although I've never been sidelined by a serious injury, I've had my fair share of sore knees and quads. Perhaps the most annoying recurring injury I seem to suffer, though, afflicts my little piggies.

It all began after my inaugural long distance race, the Race Around the Bay, when I removed my shoes to find that several of my toenails had gorged up with blood blisters. Not really knowing what to do about these blisters, I opted to simply lance them to relieve the pressure. The blisters shrunk and my toenails remained attached. (Hurrah!) A few weeks later, the salesperson at my local running store advised me to go up one-half size in my running shoes to prevent toe jamming. I did, and have been wearing an 8.5 running shoe ever since.

Several months later, after my first marathon (the Toronto International), I was again stricken with Bruised and Bloody Toe Syndrome. Larger running shoes had provided some relief during regular training runs but, it seemed, failed to solve the problem on the much more vigorous and demanding race day. I conceded that my anatomical defects -- my second toe is longer than my big toe -- were always going to cause me problems in races. Because popping the blisters seemed to work so well before, I conducted a second round of bathroom surgery.

All went well for a day or two, but soon my toes were hot, red, swollen, and sore. I was convinced that I had badly bruised them. This being the start of the Toronto winter, wearing flip flops to and from work was not an option, and so I made an appointment with the doctor to have my piggies checked out. And thank goodness for that! My self-performed surgery had, in fact, given me a bad case of cellulitis, a bacterial skin infection that, if not properly treated, can actually kill a person. The doctor promptly prescribed antibiotics and a topical cream and sent me on my way.

Since that day more than five years ago, I have been afflicted with cellulitis two more times (and, in the process, discovered my allergy to penicillin). I have bruised my toes in almost every race. I've lost several toenails when all was said and run (including this most recent one). (This is saying nothing of my other toe afflictions, including plantar capsitus.) My toes destroy any chance I might have for a good finish line photo. My toenails are now a bit misshapen and bumpy. They don't grow quite right. They still ache after a long run. Unfortunately, I imagine they'll be like this for the rest of my life.

But things would have to get pretty bad (or my running habits pretty insane) before I'd consider the solution highlighted by the most recent NY Times article, which filled me with both intrigue and disgust: permanent removal of one's toenails (view the photo if you dare). This was printed in the "Fashion and Style" section of the paper, and I do admit to being a bit dull in the "style" department. It's possible that I'm missing something. But the thought of permanently removing my toenails makes me love them all the more for what they have endured. My little piggies -- in their entirety -- are here to stay.



Squat Clean
Ring Dips

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Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Overhead Squat 3-3-3

Met Con:
21 Pull Ups
200 Skips
15 Burpees

15 Pull Ups
150 Skips
10 Burpees

9 Pull Ups
100 Skips
5 Burpees

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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Janelle Monae featured in Vogue

Janelle Monae will be featured in Vogue's November issue. The eccentric songstress will be showing off George Esquivel's unique shoes. Here is the blurb from the article:

"It's hard not to get ideas when I'm meeting with Gwen [as in Stefani] and the Killers," says George Esquivel. "My work evolves by designing for people." Since 1994, the Southern Californian has been crafting custom shoes, and even with an ever-expanding client list, the majority of his footwear is made to order by hand in his Buena Park studio.

Though they're fashioned out of the same Italian leather used by Louis Vuitton, his boots and oxfords are unique in their colors and burnishes, which Esquivel still does himself. "It's a punk attitude," says the designer, whose wares were first noticed by his fellow music scenesters in the nineties. "I'm not a guy who grew up on the East Coast wearing suits." So not proper, but for Esquivel wearers, just perfect.

Janelle Monae featured in Vogue

Janelle Monae will be featured in Vogue's November issue. The eccentric songstress will be showing off George Esquivel's unique shoes. Here is the blurb from the article:

"It's hard not to get ideas when I'm meeting with Gwen [as in Stefani] and the Killers," says George Esquivel. "My work evolves by designing for people." Since 1994, the Southern Californian has been crafting custom shoes, and even with an ever-expanding client list, the majority of his footwear is made to order by hand in his Buena Park studio.

Though they're fashioned out of the same Italian leather used by Louis Vuitton, his boots and oxfords are unique in their colors and burnishes, which Esquivel still does himself. "It's a punk attitude," says the designer, whose wares were first noticed by his fellow music scenesters in the nineties. "I'm not a guy who grew up on the East Coast wearing suits." So not proper, but for Esquivel wearers, just perfect.


Overhead Squat
Pressing Snatch Balance
Snatch Push Press

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Monday, October 26, 2009


3 Rounds For Time:

50 Squats
7 Muscle Ups
10 Hang Power Cleans

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Sunday, October 25, 2009



Warm up and then do not start your first rep until the bar is loaded with your 1 rep max. Take big rest between each effort.
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Saturday, October 24, 2009


With the slight uptick in temperatures this week, I've been pleased to get in as many extra cycling days as possible. It has, of course, come at the expense of my running, and by the time Friday rolled around, I had only logged five miles all week long. On Friday morning, because we opted to take advantage of the warm weather and cycle yet again, Zdenek assured me that we'd go for a run after work. When we wrapped up our work day at 6:30 pm and headed home to the Upper West Side, we did so under dark skies that threatened to open up and drench us at any moment. The air was cool but humid. The winds were strong. The sun had set. I asked Zdenek if he still intended on going for a run, to which he emphatically replied, "No!"

While most other New Yorkers headed out to bars and for dinner in celebration of the work week's end, we had no formal plans, and I was determined to get another five miles into my log before the weekend officially arrived. I had only to say to Zdenek, "That's fine, I'll go by myself," before he was rolling his eyes and lacing up his shoelaces alongside me. (Truthfully, I'm not sure I would have gone by myself, because Central Park after dark is no place for a lone girl, but thankfully, Zdenek never called my bluff.) I sweetened the deal by offering to tuck my ID and credit card into my running shorts so that we could multitask by finishing our run at our favorite Upper West Side wine store. (Runner's World has often suggested combining a run with errands, though I'm not sure running to a liquor store is what they had in mind.)

After weaving through the crowded sidewalks and questioning our sanity for attempting a run on such a miserable evening, we entered Central Park. Within minutes, the rain (that, according to the weatherman, was not supposed to arrive for several more hours) began to fall, and for a moment we may have grimaced. Over five miles, we passed no more than 15 other runners -- together we represented the small cohort of New Yorkers for whom a Friday night run is synonymous with "happy hour." I'm certain that I have never seen Central Park so deserted. Zdenek and I had no big date planned for yesterday evening, but yet we found ourselves on an unexpectedly romantic one. We ran side by side in the quiet darkness of the Park, into the rain and wind, while the rest of the City carried on a few miles away.

Shine. Shimmer. Sparkle.

Serena Williams attends the "Whip It" Los Angeles Premiere held at Grauman's Chinese Theatre Hollywood, California on 29.09.09
Left to right: Sequin glitterglass tank, $495,; Sequins Emma Top by Nili Lotan, by $495,; Sequin Embellished Vest, $95.93,; Sequin & Beaded Tank by Alice + Olivia (Sizes 0 - 14), $396,
Left to right: Racerback Tank by Gryphon, $345,; Rose Sequin Tank, $19.90,; Embellished Racerback Tank, $24,; Allover Sequin Tunic, $26.50,

Serena Williams kept things classic and clean on the red carpet of the "Whip It" premiere. Wearing a simple black blazer and matching cropped pants, Serena looked effortlessly chic. To keep the outfit from looking too "day" she added a little sparkle in the form of a racerback tank by Gryphon. If you want to achieve this look you don't have to hand over $345. Wetseal, Forever 21, Charlotte Russe and Arden B all have affordable sequin tops. Finish the outfit with vertigo heels, a metallic clutch and chandelier earrings.

Shine. Shimmer. Sparkle.

Serena Williams attends the "Whip It" Los Angeles Premiere held at Grauman's Chinese Theatre Hollywood, California on 29.09.09
Left to right: Sequin glitterglass tank, $495,; Sequins Emma Top by Nili Lotan, by $495,; Sequin Embellished Vest, $95.93,; Sequin & Beaded Tank by Alice + Olivia (Sizes 0 - 14), $396,
Left to right: Racerback Tank by Gryphon, $345,; Rose Sequin Tank, $19.90,; Embellished Racerback Tank, $24,; Allover Sequin Tunic, $26.50,

Serena Williams kept things classic and clean on the red carpet of the "Whip It" premiere. Wearing a simple black blazer and matching cropped pants, Serena looked effortlessly chic. To keep the outfit from looking too "day" she added a little sparkle in the form of a racerback tank by Gryphon. If you want to achieve this look you don't have to hand over $345. Wetseal, Forever 21, Charlotte Russe and Arden B all have affordable sequin tops. Finish the outfit with vertigo heels, a metallic clutch and chandelier earrings.

Bangladesh: An Afternoon at Dhanmondi Lake Dhaka

Bangladesh: An Afternoon at Dhanmondi Lake Dhaka

I have been going to Dhanmondi Lake since 1999. It is 10 years now. Well, at first, I still remember that the place was much less crowded than today. In 2001, I used to go there almost every day in evening and stayed until 10 PM. My favorite place in DhanmondiLake was and still is Rabindra-Sarobar. Now, it is a very crowded place from 4 PM but back in 2001, very few people used to come in weekdays. There was a sizeable crowd in the holidays only. Today, I walked almost the entire part of the lake starting from the entrance near Medinova and then walked for a long time. My Photographer Abdul Aziz Liton was with me and he took a number of pictures and also we could just upload a video in YouTube. In fact, I have today created a channel called SouthAsiaBlog in YouTube. Hopefully, I will be uploading videos on a regular basis. YouTube. Hopefully, I will be uploading videos on a regular basis.

A good place to Walk
I think that Dhanmondi Lake is the best place for walking in wholeDhaka city. First of all, it is a very big place. It takes more than 30 minutes for me to walk from one end to the other. I am a tall man and perhaps walk some faster than the average people. Anyway, you can easily spend 1-2 hours here. Thus, it is an excellent place for walking in the afternoon. There are trees in all the parts and it is never very hot. Many people from Dhanmondi and its adjacent areas come for this matter every day. Many women from Dhanmondi also come to walk.
A Secured Place
Safety is a big concern in Dhaka city. I have been going toDhanmondi Lake for a decade and I have never seen or heard of any bad incident. Specially, now, a number of security staffs are always there. So, it is a very secured place.
Eating and Chatting
My favorite place is Dingi where you can find all kind of food items. The kebab was excellent a few years ago when I used to go there regularly. I don’t know how the food is now. However, I still enjoy Chotpoti and Fuchka near Rabindra-Sarobar. You can find tea, coffee, nuts (badam), fast food, Chinese food, Bangladeshi food items etc. The best part is that the price is not outrageous. In some other places of Dhaka, food prices can be outrageous outside of a park or garden. Dhanmondi Lake is really a hassle free place in this regard.
Boat Ride
I cannot swim and I am not that much comfortable with water. So, I have never tried this but many people enjoy it. There are boats for hire and you can get one for an hour or even more. The price is quite affordable for most people.
My photographer took some pictures and I will put them here gradually.
By the way, have you been to Dhanmondi Lake? If you have been there, did you enjoy the place? Let me know your idea in the comment section. If not then go there as soon as you can.

LATEST HOT GOSSIPS Wowziograb this · widgets YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE ... Hottest new beautiful actress Shubha from Tolly Hansika Motwani Sexiting Photo


LATEST HOT GOSSIPS Wowziograb this · widgets YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE ... Hottest new beautiful actress Shubha from Tolly Hansika Motwani Sexiting Photo


Claudia Ciesla: new girl friend of Salman Khan

Claudia Ciesla: new girl friend of Salman Khan

Salman Khan is now more than 40 years old but he is in his mind desperately wants to become teenager again. In fact, for the last at least one decade, he is acting like a teenager boy who is trying to find new girl friends. For the last two years, it seems that he was going to settle down with Katrina Kaif. Yes, it is true that there were some rumors about some other girls but now it is clear that Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif are not going to get married. In fact, now in the media, Katrina Kaif is no longer associated with Salman Khan that much. In stead, it is a new model from Germany and her name is Claudia Ciesla. Claudia Ciesla is not that of a big model even inGermany and that is why, she is thinking of trying her luck in Bollywood. The same thing happened to Katrina Kaif. Katrina Kaif was from England and even she had British accent.

Katrina Kaif had to suffer a lot of problem when she came to Bollywood because of her British accent. It was difficult for people to accept her as a Bollywood actress. Then she met Salman Khan and became his girl friend. Salman Khan tried his best to promote her even acted with her in a movie. As a result, Katrina Kaif got a very big break and became famous. Now, Claudia Ciesla is doing the same thing. She has already met Salman Khan and Salman Khan is most probably interested about her. So, let us see if she can make the break. Katrina Kaif had one advantage because she was Indian but Claudia Ciesla is form Germany and of Polish decent. Her father is Polish wile her mother is German.

If we look at the past history of Claudia Ciesla then we will see that she is mainly famous in Germany for showing her body and she does not have any good thing about her duty. In face in Germany, I could not find that she has taken acted in any movie or got any award or even as a model. The only thing she could become perhaps was that she became first in Germany super girl 2006. However, there is nothing that you can be proud about her. She started modeling from the age of 15 and she has posed for different kind of pictures. Now, it seems that she is working in the movie in Bollywood.

The funny thing is that until Salman Khan became interested about her, hardly anyone outside of Germany knew about Claudia Ciesla. There has been some fake pictures of her in internet and it became very popular in India but it was fake not real. So, the way I started, I like to say that Salman Khan is a stupid actor and it is time he should leave Bollywood get married and settle in life. He is now 41 years old and after few years he will become 50. He is no longer teenage man or not even young man. He is already a middle aged man and he should learn from other actors like Shah Rukh Khan how to maintain a decent family’s life style even after acting in Bollywood.

Claudia Ciesla: new girl friend of Salman Khan

Claudia Ciesla: new girl friend of Salman Khan

Salman Khan is now more than 40 years old but he is in his mind desperately wants to become teenager again. In fact, for the last at least one decade, he is acting like a teenager boy who is trying to find new girl friends. For the last two years, it seems that he was going to settle down with Katrina Kaif. Yes, it is true that there were some rumors about some other girls but now it is clear that Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif are not going to get married. In fact, now in the media, Katrina Kaif is no longer associated with Salman Khan that much. In stead, it is a new model from Germany and her name is Claudia Ciesla. Claudia Ciesla is not that of a big model even inGermany and that is why, she is thinking of trying her luck in Bollywood. The same thing happened to Katrina Kaif. Katrina Kaif was from England and even she had British accent.

Katrina Kaif had to suffer a lot of problem when she came to Bollywood because of her British accent. It was difficult for people to accept her as a Bollywood actress. Then she met Salman Khan and became his girl friend. Salman Khan tried his best to promote her even acted with her in a movie. As a result, Katrina Kaif got a very big break and became famous. Now, Claudia Ciesla is doing the same thing. She has already met Salman Khan and Salman Khan is most probably interested about her. So, let us see if she can make the break. Katrina Kaif had one advantage because she was Indian but Claudia Ciesla is form Germany and of Polish decent. Her father is Polish wile her mother is German.

If we look at the past history of Claudia Ciesla then we will see that she is mainly famous in Germany for showing her body and she does not have any good thing about her duty. In face in Germany, I could not find that she has taken acted in any movie or got any award or even as a model. The only thing she could become perhaps was that she became first in Germany super girl 2006. However, there is nothing that you can be proud about her. She started modeling from the age of 15 and she has posed for different kind of pictures. Now, it seems that she is working in the movie in Bollywood.

The funny thing is that until Salman Khan became interested about her, hardly anyone outside of Germany knew about Claudia Ciesla. There has been some fake pictures of her in internet and it became very popular in India but it was fake not real. So, the way I started, I like to say that Salman Khan is a stupid actor and it is time he should leave Bollywood get married and settle in life. He is now 41 years old and after few years he will become 50. He is no longer teenage man or not even young man. He is already a middle aged man and he should learn from other actors like Shah Rukh Khan how to maintain a decent family’s life style even after acting in Bollywood.


7 Rounds For Time:

7 Overhead Squat
7 Box jumps
7 Ring Dips

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Got my costume sorted for the Halloween party, have you?

Friday, October 23, 2009


Here's a cool little article from Rainier CrossFit.

Gymnastics Skill Day:
Max L-sit- 3 sets
Max tuck hold- 3 sets
Max handstand hold- 3 sets
Muscle-up practice
Max strict pull-ups- 2 sets
Forward roll practice- complete 15 forward rolls
Max ring push-ups

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Thursday, October 22, 2009



30 60kg Clean & Jerk

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Six good reasons

In spite of all the work I have to do, and even considering that I could have used more sleep this week than I have obtained thus far, I am in an extraordinarily good mood right now.

1. It appears that I may be close to tying out a major project (or, at the very least, the first iteration of it) that has been a long time in coming.

2. It is a beautiful, sunny, warm autumn day!

3. I had a super-duper fun time riding my bike today and yesterday, and an equally super-duper fun time running on Tuesday. In fact, Tuesday night's run in the unseasonably warm fall weather was smokin' fast (for me), and all of my troubles seemed to melt away in the first 1/2 mile. Our bike rides yesterday and this morning required only booties, and we're taking it a bit easier, enjoying the scents and sights of fall in Central Park.

4. There is only one more day until the weekend.

5. There is only one more weekend until the New York City marathon!

6. My salad at lunch was delicious, and the deli guy gave me a sixth topping for free (I chose asparagus).

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Girls don't "bulk up" by lifting heavy weights!

So many of the girls in the gym ask me this question, please take the time to read this article by some very well respected strength & conditioning coaches.

10 Reasons Heavy Weights Don't Bulk Up Females

Shoulder Press 3-3-3

Met Con:
Sumo Deadlift High Pull 25-20-15-10-5
Kettlebell Swing 5-10-15-20-25
Do 25 sdhp 5 kb swing 20 sdhp 10 kb swings etc

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Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Does Your breakfast look like this?

Or this?

Really easy tastey way to start the day, and good for you! I eat this breakfast most mornings or a variation of it. Do not worry about egg yolks and cholesterol blah blah blah. Muffins, cereals, toast, waffles etc are much more harmful to you. The egg yolk has been given a bad reputation. Check out this post from
What is you favorite breakfast? Post to comments.

"Tabata Something Else"

Complete 32 intervals of 20 seconds of work followed by ten seconds of rest where the first 8 intervals are pull-ups, the second 8 are push-ups, the third 8 intervals are sit-ups, and finally, the last 8 intervals are squats. There is no rest between exercises.

Post total reps from all 32 intervals to comments

Monday, October 19, 2009


What is Paleo Training?
Paleo training is mixing the Paleo Diet with random functional movements performed at high intensity, or CrossFit. If Paleo nutrition is about returning to our genetic roots and eating as our ancestors did 12,000 years ago, then training in a manner that is consistent with this idea would make sense. Since running from larger predators and fighting our prey with rocks and clubs isn't practical, I imagine a style of training devoid of selectorized machines but focusing on functional movements. I imagine a level of intensity and work capacity that would be parallel with fight or flight. I imagine short bursts to long drawn out battles, now put into random orders, because after all who knows what we would have faced on a daily basis.

Any of this making sense? Lets sum it up.

The Paleo Diet is simple...Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. Dont put anything in your mouth that you could not forage, hunt or gather.

Paleo Training is about as easy as...CrossFit.

Now that you know what to eat and how to train, all that it takes is a bit of motivation to train this hard. I guess the other option is sickness and ending up like 63% of Americans, obese and sick. (Courtesy of CF Balboa).

3 Sets of Max Reps Handstand Push Ups

Met Con:
4 rounds for time:

7 Push Jerks

Run 200m

Go heavy, run fast!!

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Sunday, October 18, 2009

OC Modern Goddesses - Fashion Show

BeStyle Models Agency is proud to announce a wonderful and extraordinary fashion show of ORAGE Creations and ORAGE Creations Beauty.

You can see some dresses, futured in Modavia Fashion Week 2009 and present in the Look Book of Linden Lab, and some new releases. All Goddess skins and some v2 skins...

All to be a real GODDESS in Second Life.
We are waiting for you on sunday, october 18th at 1:30 PM slt

There will be a nice present for everybody at the show.

After the show you're invited at EGO Fashion Club for a nice party with Summer Deadlight dj.

Elettra Gausman
ORAGE Creations Designer

Muffins with meaning

It's been a drizzly, cold weekend in New York City. For once, though, I don't mind the weather so much, because it's allowed me the opportunity to stay warm and cozy at home without feeling like my time could be spent more productively. On Friday night, I was asleep on the couch by 9:30 pm and made the 15 foot migration to my bed 20 minutes later. We managed a respectable 13 mile run on Saturday morning, and then rewarded ourselves by snuggling under a blanket to watch "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" while drinking Belgian-style brews and eating strong cheeses. Later, we actually rallied to meet friends at the frou-frou Morimoto, where we indulged in an extraordinary amount of sushi and, of course, more beer. Today has been both relaxing and rewarding thus far: a couple of hours reading the NY Times followed by a quick 5 miles in a mostly deserted, rainy Central Park. I'm now showered and cozy in my favorite Boston Marathon sweatshirt, enveloped by the warm, delicious scent of baking banana pineapple muffins. The best part of my weekend is rising up (literally) as I type this.

These muffins are my mom's favourite recipe -- or at least, they are the ones she made most often when I was growing up (and probably still does, though I'm home too infrequently to be sure). At that time, most yellow bananas in our house fulfilled their destiny as a midday snack or as filling for a peanut butter-banana sandwich. But for the one or two bananas each week that turned brown and soft with neglect, a more delicious fate was in store. These potassium powerhouses would soon find themselves peeled and mushed, mixed with a bit of crushed pineapple, and stirred into a pastry mix. Twenty minutes later, my mom would retrieve the fragrant, yellow muffins from the oven, scoop them out onto an old newspaper for cooling, and then dish one out for me with a pat of butter on top. Sometimes these muffins were prepared on Saturday mornings, but just as often, their tempting aroma would fill the house on midweek evening and provide a comforting bedtime snack.

It was somewhat significant for me to whip up this same batch of muffins for my husband soon after we were married. I don't fancy myself a domestic goddess, and I don't derive a great deal of satisfaction from mothering those around me. But carrying on the tradition of almost-weekly banana pineapple muffins seemed to rest on my shoulders once I left my mother's home and moved into one of my own. With both purpose and pride, I transformed the first brown banana in our apartment into my mom's signature muffins (and I'm certain that my sister does the same for her family on a routine basis). Because the muffins are, in fact, very good, and because anything baked with love is downright delicious, Zdenek showed his approval by helping me to finish the whole dozen within days.

It's been months -- if not more than one year -- since the scent of banana pineapple muffins has filled our Upper West Side apartment. I'm not sure why, exactly, other than perhaps I'm trying to avoid having a dozen baked goods around when there are only two of us to partake. (Zdenek has instead made good use of mushy bananas by folding them into his pancake batter after Saturday morning long runs.) But today, as we were heading out the door to face the rain and cold, Zdenek suggested that "we" (meaning me) whip up a batch of banana pineapple muffins this afternoon, and I didn't require any convincing. On our way back from the Park we stopped off to buy a crushed can of pineapples; thirty minutes later, we're both salivating at the thought of a warm, delicious muffin on this dark and dreary Sunday afternoon. And I know there's a pretty good chance that, thousands of miles away, the same treat can be enjoyed this weekend around my mom's kitchen table.

Amelle Berrabah

Sugababe Amelle Berrabah performs at BBC2's Music Show ‘Sound’ at Spittlefield Market in London, England wearing a Denim Jumpsuit.
If you thought Destiny's Child had it's ups and downs that was nothing compared to the British group Sugababes. Since it's inception in 1998, the all girl group has been through three line-up changes. The most recent has left not one original band member in the group! That hasn't stopped their flow though. The girls are in the midst of a relaunch that includes a whole new sound and provocative new image to boot. Pictured above is North African (Moroccan) member Amelle Berrabah. She joined the group in 2005 replacing Mutya Buena. She recently shaved the side of her head to give herself an edgier look. I'm loving this Liquorish jumpsuit on her (see below.) Roll the legs up like Amelle to give the outfit a fresh spin.

Amelle Berrabah

Sugababe Amelle Berrabah performs at BBC2's Music Show ‘Sound’ at Spittlefield Market in London, England wearing a Denim Jumpsuit.
If you thought Destiny's Child had it's ups and downs that was nothing compared to the British group Sugababes. Since it's inception in 1998, the all girl group has been through three line-up changes. The most recent has left not one original band member in the group! That hasn't stopped their flow though. The girls are in the midst of a relaunch that includes a whole new sound and provocative new image to boot. Pictured above is North African (Moroccan) member Amelle Berrabah. She joined the group in 2005 replacing Mutya Buena. She recently shaved the side of her head to give herself an edgier look. I'm loving this Liquorish jumpsuit on her (see below.) Roll the legs up like Amelle to give the outfit a fresh spin.

Steal Amelle's Style

Above: Liquorish Stone Wash Denim Jumpsuit, $61.05,
Heels: HALO Twist Front High Platform Sandal, $34.88,
Bag: Twisted Hardware Doctor Bag, $68,
Nail Polish: Essie Nail Polish in California Coral, $8,

I'm all about summer nail colors in winter. What else will brighten up those dull, rainy days? Coral nail polish is my color of choice these days, but any stand-out color will compliment these pale pink platforms by HALO. Pair with skin colored tights if the weather is already bone chilling in your area. For night-time chic add a metallic belt and a bright clutch for punch.

Steal Amelle's Style

Above: Liquorish Stone Wash Denim Jumpsuit, $61.05,
Heels: HALO Twist Front High Platform Sandal, $34.88,
Bag: Twisted Hardware Doctor Bag, $68,
Nail Polish: Essie Nail Polish in California Coral, $8,

I'm all about summer nail colors in winter. What else will brighten up those dull, rainy days? Coral nail polish is my color of choice these days, but any stand-out color will compliment these pale pink platforms by HALO. Pair with skin colored tights if the weather is already bone chilling in your area. For night-time chic add a metallic belt and a bright clutch for punch.


Rest Day

Check this out for strength, power, speed, flexibility, agility, accuracy, co-ordination and balance!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

The Long Home Stretch

One of the really annoying things about building is the fact that you have to keep taking things back apart. The good news is that you get really familiar with how they go together. I swear I'm going to wear some of the hardware out. I had the entire plane assembled and painted. Now it seems I'm taking it completely apart. I have to fix some things I wasn't quite satisfied with and take the controls off after painting to balance them. Once it gets close to flying, it is time to get every detail checked and double checked. If something seems like it might not be quite right, trust me - it will get you at some point. I learned that lesson the hard (expensive ) way on the first plane. This time I am taking the time to get everything just so. Here are a few of the things I've been working on to get things finished up.


My paint scheme will incorporate 12 inch N numbers since we want to fly to the islands. I don't want to shell out the dollars to put them on the primer for first flight. I opted for vinyl mailbox lettters from the hardware. As you'll see, they look surprisingly decent on the green hornet.


Even though they are cheap mailbox letters, it feels like a step forward to see N numbers.


Although I painted the inside of the cowl with epoxy to seal it against oil leaks, I wanted to paint it a light color so as to better seal it, make it easier to spot leaks and to clean them up if they occur. I chose this 500 degree engine enamel paint.


Here is the painted top cowl. It is nice and sealed and will be easy to clean up if any oil leaks. (hopefully not) It will also make it easy to inspect for leaks by looking in the back of the cowl.


I wanted to add some thermal protection for the nylaflow as it passes the brake disc. I found this fiberglass and mylar heat shield in the racing section of the NAPA store. It is large enough in diameter to fit over the end fittings, so I'll slid it over the fittings, fold it tight around the nylaflow and hold it tight with some Mil Spec metal tape.


Here is the Thermosleeve installed.It looks nice and tight and protective.


I installed flanges forward and aft of the canard cover. I really don't want rain dripping in on the fancy new autopilot servo, much less the Grand Rapids EFIS units. I also put in a baffle that seals off the nose gear well. You can just see the flange in the top left of the photo forward of the canard cover flange.


I completely rebuilt the pitch trim mount and a new spring. I had everything working, but when I actually hooked up the push pull tube to the elevators, the top of the spring would rub on the top of the doghouse. Can't have that. I also had only one inch of trailing edge up trim at maximum trim and wanted more. Now everything works better and I can remount the canard.


I finished the brake lines for the toe brakes. This was some serious plumbing. I also fished the nylaflow lines down the copilot side duct to the space behind the gear bulkhead. I need to make the final connection to the brake lines running up the gear legs and I'm ready for brake fluid.

I also adjusted and repaired the nose gear doors. Here's a helpful hint. If you're going to be working around the gear leg, put a tie wrap on the over center linkage. It is hypothetically possible to bump the overcenter linkage just a tiny bit and cause the front of your airplane to crash loudly down on said nose gear doors. Take my word for it.

I still have to mass balance the ailerons and elevators, re-install everything and do the weight and balance. I also have to calibrate the fuel probes and re- adjust the alignment of one of the magnetometers. Then, I need to fill all the fluids for the hydraulics and brakes. Once I do that its taxi time. I figure I have 5 or 6 days of work before it is ready for inspection. The question is how long it will take me to find those days. In the meantime, I'm enjoying finishing up and will REALLY enjoy putting everything together for the second to last time. (Remember, I'm flying it a bit in this awful green primer before the final paint job)

Stay tuned- videos of engine start and taxi should be coming soon.
