Wednesday, October 7, 2009

My First Year in Colorado

On October 1st I celebrated my first year in Colorado. Even though I love it here and never ever want to leave, it’s been a tough year. I moved to Colorado after getting laid off work in Illinois. I moved to Northern Colorado without a job and it’s been very tough finding work here, especially in this bad economy.

This past summer I finally found a job, but unfortunately the job didn’t work out as I had hoped. After a very short time of being employed I ended up leaving. If there was any way that I could have endured it to stay longer, I would have.

Fall colors in Loveland, CO - first week of October

There were only two good things about this job I had. It was only 2.5 miles away from where I lived and I got off work at 3:30PM, leaving me lots of time after work to do other things.

So financially my first year in Colorado has been very bad, but I still made the best of it by hiking and riding my motorcycles whenever possible. When times are tough, it's good to have an escape, something you really enjoy. Something that lets you forget about all the bad stuff.

October 7th - first snow of (fall) 2009

But what is all this white stuff on the ground? I think the riding season might be coming to an end. This is an El Niño year which brings lots of moisture, they are predicting lots of snow this winter in the southwest. It is only the beginning of October and we already have snow on the ground.

Fall colors and snow, what an odd combination

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