Monday, October 19, 2009


What is Paleo Training?
Paleo training is mixing the Paleo Diet with random functional movements performed at high intensity, or CrossFit. If Paleo nutrition is about returning to our genetic roots and eating as our ancestors did 12,000 years ago, then training in a manner that is consistent with this idea would make sense. Since running from larger predators and fighting our prey with rocks and clubs isn't practical, I imagine a style of training devoid of selectorized machines but focusing on functional movements. I imagine a level of intensity and work capacity that would be parallel with fight or flight. I imagine short bursts to long drawn out battles, now put into random orders, because after all who knows what we would have faced on a daily basis.

Any of this making sense? Lets sum it up.

The Paleo Diet is simple...Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. Dont put anything in your mouth that you could not forage, hunt or gather.

Paleo Training is about as easy as...CrossFit.

Now that you know what to eat and how to train, all that it takes is a bit of motivation to train this hard. I guess the other option is sickness and ending up like 63% of Americans, obese and sick. (Courtesy of CF Balboa).

3 Sets of Max Reps Handstand Push Ups

Met Con:
4 rounds for time:

7 Push Jerks

Run 200m

Go heavy, run fast!!

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