Tuesday, October 6, 2009

CatHerine My name is Catherine / friends call me Cat Why and How did you get started in modeling? MODEL / ACTRESS Somethings

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My name is Catherine / friends call me Cat

Why and How did you get started in modeling?

Somethings i enjoy doing on my spare time are pottery, writing, horseback riding, snowboarding, riding four wheelers, jumping off of bridges, like Red Rock ( which is a 25 foot bridge, over water, located down the road from my house) and the normal things like watching Americas next top model and hanging out with my friends. In school i love to study French, ceramics, anything history related and anything pertaining to English class. I have wanted to do modeling probably since i was 13 years old, but, i did not really consider it until recently. Future goals of mine include going to a school for fashion merchandising, i have always loved clothes and i have a lot of fabulous ideas i would love to create. i see modeling taking me into a fashion career and i think it is a good way to get your foot in the fashion door. i also would love to do anything with photography, i think i get that gene from my mom :]. she is a major photo junkie and i think she is rubbing of on me. i think i could achieve my goals i have set in modeling because, i am confident and very outgoing, i hardly get embarrassed, and i can easily make fun of myself, and admit when i am wrong, and also because it is something i am very passionate about!

Did you always want to be a model or was their something else you wanted to be or do?

Yes, I have always wanted to be a model. However, I have worked hard throughout school and am soon starting my first year in college to become a fashion merchandiser.

If you could give advice to girls who want to be models and don’t know how to get started, what would be the most important thing you would tell them?

The most important thing I would tell them is to be themselves. I have had alot of people wanting me to change, such as loose weight, etc. You have to remember that you have to be comfortable with yourself, dont change yourself in order to be someone your not, or someone, someone else wants you to become.

Growing up were you the one teased and picked on and why? Or were you somehow always included in the crowd or left out and why?

When I was younger in middle school and the beginning of highschool I was always teased about my Red Hair. When I got a little bit older I realized that it was just jealousy. There is no need to pick on anyone and if someone picks on you, remember its their time their wasting on you and that their just jealous. Never let anyone bring you down! You bring them UP!

Please say one or two things about your ethics and morals.

I always tell myself that you can achieve what ever you would like to achieve as long as you put your mind too it and work hard look at Taylor Swift i think shes a hot potato! .

Where do you hope to be in 5 years?

In a few years I hope to have graduated from college with a degree in
fashion merchandising. I also hope to have pursued a career in modeling and/ or acting, and competing on a competitive hip-hop dance team.

Add something to your interview here that we haven’t covered:

I like Potatos and Tomatos,Ferets most wild life except unruly boys and Cheese-Salads! Veggieburgers,No Meat!

Cat's Stuff
its really hot in these boots
my pet feret
Gossip CornerPet PhotosWhinning Space

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