Saturday, March 6, 2010

Taxi Testing Begins

Taxi testing has begun. I started with static run ups. Then slow taxiing up and down the taxi way. The engine sounded good and the brakes were firm. Time to move on.

Now it's time to start the high speed taxi tests. This is the departure end of runway 28 at Smoketown, PA. I can't wait. This is what it will look like to leave on a trip in my new Velocity from my home airport.

I push the throttle in smoothly.....2700 RPM..... a strong push in the back and.....


Only a third of the way down the runway and the 300 horses and Aerocomposite prop pushed it almost to 60 knots. I don't want to rotate, so time to pull the power and hit the brakes.


Well, 3/4 of the way down the runway and slowing down. The Cleveland brakes are terrific. They're a huge improvement over the Matco's I had on my first Velocity. You can see the obstruction just past the end of my 2,5oo foot runway. This is why I will be taking the wings off and trucking the airplane to a local airport with a 5,000 foot runway for the first flight.


Here's the turnoff to the taxi way. Well, I didn't break anything. I've posted a couple of videos below of runs after I got back in practice.


Here is another taxi test after I've gotten back in practice steering a Velocity and using toe brakes. As you can see, the free castering nose wheel is actually great once you get used to it. You can easily turn on a dime to do a check for traffic in the run up area. Just remember to add power and jab the opposite brake before you want to move forward again. If you stop with the wheel sideways, you can get stuck.

I got up to 55 knots in this initial round of testing and got pretty comfortable with ground handling. The engine is performing well and there are no leaks. Next, a series of full power ground runs with the plane tied down.

I need to get as much time as I can flying in the next few weeks, then down to Velocity for the transition training. The plane is officially ready to fly at this point. I just need the DAR inspection and airworthiness certificate.


Off for more testing. The videos should get more interesting from this point. I can't wait for that first flight.


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