Monday, December 28, 2009

And we're back at it...

In what we'll call my feeble attempt at an Ansel Adams type photo, a quick glimpse into the Velocity wheel department. You can see our Senior, err, Master Wheel Builder Paul and Ryan getting back into the swing of things after a great 4 day weekend, even though it's another short week here at the Velocity there's always a wheel to be built.

There was a bit of, let's say disturbing, news that came about over the holiday. Disturbing maybe an overstatement, but it surely illuminates some things and that news [queue the dramatic music] is this weeks...
Wheel Department Trivia

We'll put today's trivia in the Name Those Cousins category. At a recent Christmas gathering, one Velocity employee became aware of being distant cousins to what other Velocity employee... Name those two...

The shocking answer tomorrow. I have not forgotten about an update on Ryan, J-Bolt, Matt and Jacobi's trip to Ray's a week back, simply waiting on some pictures. For now, head over to the Founders Racing site and read a little write up from one of their riders who headed down with the crew.

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