Wednesday, December 30, 2009

And we're off again...

It's another short week here and we're getting as many orders out before another 4 day weekend. We'll be back to a normal work week starting on Monday, January 4. With the extended weekend what better thing to do than to get out and ride. So if you're in the West Michigan/Grand Rapids area there is a New Years Day ride being hosted by Founders Racing. They're hoping to get 100 people out for a nice little spin around town to help burn off the New Years Eve fog, plus it's just a great way to start fresh for 2010. More info click here. As if there were any doubt, some of the Velocity crew will be representing. Hopefully we'll see you there.

The latest issue of Urban Velo is now out and available for free download at their site; it's a pretty stellar publication to say the least. Sure, we're biased but we've got a good ad [seen above] in there on our new reflective powder coating that due out in February '10. The photo we used was not photoshopped, the rims shine bright white when direct light hits them and in daylight are black. Contact your local bike shop if you're interested for pricing!

So until next year, from all of us here at Velocity...
Have a safe and enjoyable New Years!

[Some of the crew from Interbike '09]

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