Friday, December 11, 2009


I am halfway through my first week of "Daddy Programming" and loving it!! Chris Kemp from CrossFit North East England is programming my CF sessions with a strong emphasis placed on reduced volume but high intensity. My need for this is due to the increased time demands that being a Dad brings. I was following .com but some of the longer sessions were just not possible in 10 mins or on the 3hrs sleep my wife and I get! The sessions so far have been an excellent dose - all done in under 10mins and are flexible enough to allow me to not have to stick to a 3 on 1 off prescription. So todays WOD will be one of those sessions that Kempie has programmed for me, I want to share the love!!

For Time:
70kg Thruster
CTB Pull Ups

Scale to load appropriately, but the load must be heavier than your normal thruster load.
Post time to comments.

Last nights "Squat Therapy"

Causes of the Bad Squat
1. Weak glute/hamstring. The glutes and hams are
responsible for powerful hip extension, which is
the key to the athletic performance universe.
2. Poor engagement, weak control, and no awareness
of glute and hamstring. The road to powerful,
effective hip extension is a three to five year
odyssey for most athletes.
3. Resulting attempt to squat with quads. Leg
extension dominance over hip extension is a
leading obstacle to elite performance in athletes.
4. Inflexibility. With super tight hamstrings you’re
screwed. This is a powerful contributor to slipping
out of lumbar extension and into lumbar flexion
– the worst fault of all.
5. Sloppy work, poor focus. This is not going to
come out right by accident. It takes incredible
effort. The more you work on the squat the more
awareness you develop as to its complexity.

Pick what you think your fault is and post to comments

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