Monday, December 7, 2009

What I've Learned: Final Chapter

What I've Learned: Final Chapter

* Ed was right when he told me I'd graduate wondering where on earth the last four years have gone.
* How to clean a refrigerator motor
* If necessary, I can function on 2-3 hours of sleep per night for approimately 6 months and maintain my average
* How to avoid/manipulate annoying landlords
* Sometimes, the right decision for me means hurting the people that I love
* I'm a lot more like my mother than I ever thought possible; and at the same time we are polar opposites
* Using lime juice in the bottle when you are without limes does not do a rum and diet any justice at all
* I will beat my head against a wall for as long as I need to in order to allow my self to realize the truth
* The best things in my life are found where I definitely least expect them to be
* I *need* melanie nights.
* I actually really do love wine. A nice dry bottle of chianti makes me smile. Who would've thought beer guzzling melanie would convert so seamlessly?
* I am very ready for the house, the soccer uniform grass stains, the garden, the clothes line, the wraparound verandah... etc. etc.
* I will do it - Whatever it is that makes me so nervous/anxious/scared, I will get through it and it usually goes better or me than I ever thought it could
* I'm more empathic than I care to be
* No matter what happens and what changes, it's delicious to have the kind of friends who - having lost touch with them for months at a time - don't really change
* I drive the honda better without jacob in it
* I get along much better with my mom when I don't live with her
* I am completely content when I wake up in the morning to Jacob's nose in my neck, Georgie behind my knees, and the Harry man stretched out in front of me with his paw on my arm. I love my hairy little family!
* The likelihood of me either a) losing my mind, b) telling Jacob to sleep on the couch, or c) turing into a full-fledge wino all thanks to wedding planning is pretty good

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