Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Get Ready Italy, Starbucks Can't Be Far Behind

(Garance and her "to go espresso" in Florence)

I was more than a little surprised during my last trip to Italy to see espresso "to go".

The French fell to Starbucks a few years ago and they have never looked back. I have always heard the excuse that Italian coffee culture is so strong that they would never offer coffee "to go" but these new shops are the beginning of the end for that dream.

The flip side of the debate is that coffee is different from espresso, just like linguine is different from spaghetti. I would think the two could coexist.

UPDATE- already in the comments, people are commenting that one should sit and casually enjoy a coffee. However, in Italy, no one sits to have an espresso, they stand at the bar. I think people are confusing the French coffee experience with the reality of Italian coffee culture.

This is a great little cafe down the street from the hotel we stay at in Milan.

They are trying to offer a slice of American coffee culture to Italians but without serving actual American coffee. It's a fun idea but the tiny espresso cups only last about one city block before it's empty.

So, how do we feel about Starbucks in Italy?

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