Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Nike Women

This is from Freddy C at CrossFit Oneworld think a few of our ladies will relate:

You girls who have been CrossFitting for awhile, and especially you ladies at One World who have been embracing the strength training, have at some point had to deal with some changes in yourself that take a bit of getting used to:
You aren't necessarily losing any weight, but....
Your waist is smaller.
Your ass and thighs are getting bigger, but....
You're body composition overall is leaner.
You are conditioned to think that you need to lose weight to look better, but...
Everyone is noticing how good you look!
You aren't the strongest person in your gym, but....
You are stronger than most the guys at your workplace, and that, ladies, is empowering.
The results of following a good well planned strength AND conditioning program are amazing. The changes come quickly if you dedicate yourself to the program and make some simple changes in your nutrition. Unless you are taking steroids, a majority of all the women on the planet cannot lift weights and end up "getting big" or "looking like a man." I don't think there is a man on the planet who thinks the girl in the picture above looks like a man.

Doesn't this make you want to train? Cool song also!!

{A} Warm Up / Mobilise
{B} Deadlift 1-10 2-20 3-30 (keep your shirts on for this one!!ha)
{C} Stretch / Roll

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