Monday, August 16, 2010


Great fun on Saturday, those who came along got stuck into Helen and there were a number of PB's!! The evening was fun with a few beers and a curry always a winning combo!! Couple of things:

  • If you want to order the CFV RazorStorm WOD Shorts get your size and name on the board, we will place an order in a week.
  • We need to start taking names and payment for the Intro to SPEAR course at the box on Sept 11th. (Watch the videos below for just 2 of the concepts you will learn)
  • We would like every member to raise at least £10 for the Bugaboo Cure SMA WOD on the 28th of August. If you do not manage to get £10 through sponsorship we will just ask for a £10 donation from you on the day - please support this worthy cause.

{A} Warm Up / Mobilise
{B} For Time:
SDHP 40kg/20kg
After each round of SDHP do 1 round of Cindy eg 10 SDHP 1 round of Cindy etc
{C} Stretch / Roll

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