Saturday, August 7, 2010

Some Sunday Reading / Research

Our SPEAR course is about a month away, next week we will start taking names and payment etc. Watch this video to see Tony Blauer the man behind the SPEAR concept explain it.

Read the free article The Role of Strength in Weightlifting and Before You Squat by Greg Everett of Catalyst Athletics
It struck me the other day while being miserable squatting that for all the talk and writing about how to squat, where to put the bar, how to program squats, there's a lack of talk on what to do before you squat. Maybe that's because I'm the only one who thinks it's worth talking about, but hopefully that's not the case.Read the article.

Read this take on the article 'Egg on their Face' America's changing perception of diet by John Welbourne link

Also from John's new blog Talk to me Johnnie some nutrition advice link

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