Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Hand Care

These are James's hands after last nights WOD. He tends to grip the pull up bar in his palm which is a big no-no!! He already had some calluses towards the top of the palm of his hand but he had not treated them correctly.
So, how should we take care of our hands? Over time and many WODs you will develop calluses. Those are good. They toughen up your tender skin. But a callus itself needs care. It needs to be shaved or filed down so that it's level with the rest of your skin. A rule I've heard is if you can pinch it, it needs to be filed.
There are a ton of ways you can do this. You can soak your hand and scrape the dead skin off with a dull knife. You can can use your average razor, but be careful not to shave off too much. I've heard of people using a little dremel to file them down. A pedi-egg is another option.
Whatever you do, get your calluses to be flat/even so they won't cause friction on the bar. Then repeat as necessary and you should be fine.
Press 3-3-3 @92% 1RM
Met Con:
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