Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Hey everybody! Ryan's back!

After what we considered a pretty normal Monday here at Velocity, minus the fact that we were running a man down. Today we are back to running at full strength with Ryan here after his extended weekend.

Turns out, Ryan is a pretty experienced recumbent rider and took an extra day to spend cruising around with the rest of his recumbent crew [as seen in the picture]. I'm told it was a great spin out west, with a few stellar climbs and some great flats to really open up the legs.

In all seriousness, Ryan was gone yesterday due to some reoccurring back problems after working on some of the new trails being built here in Grand Rapids over the weekend. Yes, we are resilient here in the Mitten, building trails in January is possible. A few of the local news stations made it out, you can check out one of their write ups here. GR Bike has a few things up on their Facebook or do what we do and follow them on their Twitter.

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