Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Rob W

You have all seen Rob getting stuck into his training over the last few months and have witnessed first hand his transformation. He will keep improving because he listens, is committed and has started to eat Paleo. Most importantly he has that ability to push himself to work at high intensity, if you do this the results come quickly!!
He has written this for our new testimonial's page (can the rest of you get something to me?)
Dear CrossFit Velocity
I wanted to take 10 minutes to put in to words the gratitude I have to you all for introducing me to CrossFit. To say it has exceeded all my expectations is an understatement even if someone had told me I would lose a stone a month there is no way I would have expected it to be as enjoyable as it has been. The techniques obviously work as I am not the first to have achieved such fantastic results but in my opinion it is the way you all teach the techniques, the exercises you prescribe and the way you motivate us all through your technical knowledge, experience and infectious enthusiasm that has the greatest effect.
To put in to perspective my experience, as national sales manager for Billabong a surf and skate company my job involves a lot of travelling entertaining and staying in hotels, over the last 8 years my health has really taken a back seat to my job and family. During this time my weight has blossomed to a handsome 18 stone. This has been compounded with chronic back pain and a number other minor complaints, in 2 months you have all made me realise that there is room on the front seat for health as well as family and work and how much you can achieve in 5-15 mins of high intensity. At 33 and very out of shape I was really concerned that I would make a fool of myself or struggle to do any of the workouts or lifts but the fact everything is scalable and the environment so supportive my concerns were completely misplaced. I am still amazed at the mix of people in every class from 15 year old school boys to 60 year old ladies and back to serious Rugby players and podgy pen pushers like myself. And here I am 2 months later 2 Stone Lighter, with no back pain with more energy than I have had in 15 Years!
The thing I enjoy the most about CrossFit Velocity is the supportive and encouraging environment and the ease in which new members slip into the fold there is zero ego and no arrogance everyone is there because the enjoy it and it gets you in shape incredibly quickly, no one is there to pose or just to look good and I think this is really amazing. I feel I am part of a secret and I desperately want to tell the world about. I think you have something really special going on at CrossFit Velocity and I am excited and privileged to be a part of it. I am going to enjoy watching the CrossFit Velocity grow because anyone who comes for a month is going to get hooked! Promise...
Good luck guys, not that you need it!
Rob W
Robin WilkinsUK ManagerElement / Eden / Von Zipper UK
In 10 Mins Find Your 1RM Power Clean
Met Con:
5 rounds For Time:
5 Handstand Press Ups
10 Knees to Elbows
15 Ring Dips

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