Sunday, February 28, 2010

Celebrity Gossip: Lady Gaga Disses Doubting Ex

So that’s the story behind her songs and the way she dress. Would you imagine a guy telling you that you will not succeed or you will fail? That’s what Lady Gaga’s ex-boyfriend exactly told her. We’ll I guess to think you’re such a waste, this woman with courage just prove him wrong.
Lady Gaga is not arrogant it’s just a reality that she’s now a superstar. A lady who already know by the whole world. Who wouldn’t know her?

She succeeded with her own unique way, she does not imitate anyone. She does what she likes, and she wears what she likes. She even dance the way she wanted that no one has ever does.
This girl is a surprise. You’ll never know what she wears, and does next. She succeeded on her self alone, maybe with the help of her ex-boyfriend, but on the other way around. She was superbly encourage by the things his ex-boyfriend told her. She wanted to prove him wrong badly, and that’s what she actually did.

This girl is so delusionally ambitious, as she had mentioned herself. That’s the power of ambitions or dreams, for her, her ambitions makes her now a superstar.

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt: Boating Family Fun!

The “Mr. and Mrs. Smith” main stars were having a good Sunday morning. Together with their kids they were enjoying the beautiful day. Strolling around venice, boating and visiting malls were such of those who make them laughs and smiles.

Even with a day with full of workload, the couple still make time to spend with their kids. Such a wonderful moment to reminisce in the future especially for the children.

Jolie and Pitt is a picture of a great couple with very ideal way of handling family. No one can hinder their desire to make themselves happy together with their kids even with so much work.

It’s not the public that matters, even if gossipers were around the couples doesn’t mind them, what’s important is, they spend the day enjoying with their kiddies.

While Jolie was attending to some matters about her upcoming movie, Pitt dutifully done his part as a lovely father to his kids by letting them roam around the city. I guess looking at his kids happy makes his worries and tiredness away, that’s the feeling of a father with contentment for what he is doing.

Guess this couple surely are blessed, not only for their career, for their children but also merely for themselves.

Closer and Closer

I am checking off the last few things on my check list before inspection. The DAR wanted me to install an emergency fuel shut off control that is reachable by the pilot in flight. There is no documentation in the manual for one. Andy Millin documents a nice panel mounted installation, but my panel is crowded and I wanted it mounted in a more out of the way, yet still accessible location.

Half the effort in coming up with something like this is figuring out what location will work and not interfere with anything else. How do you route the cable? How do you determine the approach angle to the sump valve handle? How do you attach the darn thing?

I go into this in some detail here in the hope that this may help builders who have yet to come to this task. Here's my version of the keel mounted fuel shut off control.

First, find a location just under the forward most point of your seat pan's travel, then the rear most. This gives you the line and angle you cannot cross to avoid interference with the seat.

Then sit in the seat with the control in your hand and find a comfortable height above the floor where you can reach the control with either hand. Six inches from the floor worked for me.

Next, find a safe routing down the inside of the keel and mount standoffs every 18 inches or so for tie wraps. Bring the cable out the bottom 1/3 of the back of the keel, where it won't interfere with the aileron bellcrank travel. Curve it around to approach the fuel shut off through a hole in the keel. The proper approach angle is the line defined by points at each extreme of the lever's travel. Remember to keep the hole you drill in the lever close enough to the pivot point that the range of travel is within the range of travel of the control cable you buy.

Now, attach the cable to the bulkhead with an Adel clamp mounted to an aluminum bracket. Mark and cut the cable and attach it through the hole with a "Z bend".

The picture above shows the business end in the open position.


Here is the valve in closed position with the control knob pulled out up by the pilot's seat. For reference, the aft and sump tank are to the right and the front is to the left.

It actually works!


Here are the parts for the fuel shut off mounting. I made the bracket on the right out of angle, then painted it to match the carpet. I made the aluminum standoff to mount the placard on. I decided to add a 3/8 inch joggle so that it wouldn't be bent up at an angle by the carpet surrounding the mounting bracket. Hopefully, this will keep it square and I can then just stick on the placard.


Here is the shut off mounted with AN-7 bolts and the placard affixed to the aluminum standoff. The joggle idea actually worked. I'm pleased with the finished product.


Here is the seat in place with the shutoff control, placard and fire extinguisher mount all installed.


Here is a better view of the seat position. The emergency fuel shut off control is just visible. I sat in the seat and it is easy to reach and operate. (and yes, I shut the door, turned on the panel and made airplane noises)


Now that the fuel shut off control is finished, I'll follow up on some of the other ongoing projects I finished off.

Here is the finished installation of the HID ballast unit with the ballast mounted to the hard points, all the wires connected and tie wrapped.


There is the final product - the very bright output from the new HID landing light. Notice how white the light is. It was worth all the extra work.


The doors finally fit and close easily from inside and out!

Man, I was worried about this one. For those of you thinking about ordering new, lower profile door seals, don't rush it. Like many things Velocity, the seals work, but just take a lot of jiggery pokery to get right.

The first time you close the door, it will seem obvious that it cannot possibly work -as in way, way off. Well, close it as far as you can and leave it for a couple days. Then, come back and get the latches to engage, even just a little. This will likely involve someone, pushing down on the strake cut off , in on the bottom forward corner and REALLY pulling on the latch to get anywhere. Leave it like that for a week.

Then, the final fix. Note the jar of aircraft grade Vaseline sitting on the strake.

As pictured above, put a generous coating of Vaseline on the fuselage door trim. This allows the rubber trim piece to slide and find its final position. Once I added this , everything fit within one more day.

The bottom line is that patience and persistence can make it work.


The gear system is almost finished with fine tuning. It goes up smoothly and stops with the main gear doors in perfect alignment with the fuselage. The dump valve works for emergency gear extension - down and locked every time. The only remaining glitch is the nose gear door cylinder. I spoke with Scott Swing, who diagnosed the problem as my putting in the sequence valve backwards almost 4 years ago. I'll turn it around, replumb it and that should solve my last issue.

On Tuesday, I'm taking a rare day off work and taking the plane to the A&P, hopefully for the final time. The agenda includes rewiring the newly engraved Infinity stick grip, replacing the overhauled prop governor, the faulty EGT probe and the sequence valve. It's an ambitious program. If successful, I'll taxi back to my hangar this time!

The "To Do" list is getting down to the last few items. The only remaining part to install is the ELT. I'm still waiting on ACK to ship the new 406 mhz units. Other than that, it's time to arrange for the DAR visit, insurance and refresher training at Velocity.

Only 148 days remain until Oshkosh. I still have a lot to do in order to get the plane flying, finish painted and the hours flown off before then. This next few months should be a lot more exciting than the past few years. I've got a room reserved, but no airfare. I am making every effort to fly in and hope that those of you who have followed this blog will stop by to take a look and say hello in person.


On the Street.....Upper East Side, Manhattan


For time:
25 Squats
25 Push-ups
25 Pull-ups
25 Sit-ups
50 Squats
50 Push-ups
50 Pull-ups
50 Sit-ups
75 Squats
75 Push-ups
75 Pull-ups
75 Sit-ups

Post time to comments

Friday, February 26, 2010

Fashion Style: What's Behind Lady Gaga's Face Mask?

Lady Gaga has her own way of expressing herself. She prefers fashion to be the best way of knowing her. She’s unique! She goes in a way she knows she’s comfortable with. Don’t be misjudged by the way she dressed. Maybe she’s doing this to hide something, the way she dress, her moves, even her songs, if you can read between the lines, can you see what it means? Is there a mystery behind? Hmm. In psychological aspects, most people hide what they feel, they often laugh even they feel the other way around. Would you consider Lady Gaga as one of them?

Honestly, I like Lady Gaga. I like her songs, and the way she do her moves. She gives justice to what she wears in the matter of reflecting it with the song and the right moves. I just notice something, she often hide her face or wear a mask, that puzzled me, well that’s make her Lady Gaga anyway.

Lady Gaga is a singer with wild imaginations, with extraordinary dance, with extreme acts, and outrageous fashion. Her blood-red lace dress gives an extreme suspense feeling. Almost overcome a film costume huh!

The testimony of Tatiana about how great woman she is, I do believe in that. Lady Gaga gives am impression of a woman with a good heart.

image credit: thehollywoodgossip


Skills Day / Rest Day / Make Up a Workout You Missed Day

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Paleo Challenge Winner

Huge Congrats to Kelly who won the Paleo Challenge!!



Here is her account of the challenge:
I entered the CFV paleo challenge because i have tried alot of different diets before but I never found one that suited me. I train 4 times a week, so by eating a balanced diet I should see and feel a big difference. My brother Matthew has told me about it before so that's why I gave it a shot!( The prize money did help a little lol)
The first two days I had a headache, prob because i cut out sugar,but after that felt great:) really enjoyed eating plenty of fruit and nuts, fresh meat,veg and plenty of water:)Its the first diet i have stuck to and really enjoyed.I did suffer a blip when i went away for a weekend with friends,found it hard to get back into it ,as i thought I had blown all the good work I had done!!But this proves that you can have the occasional treat and still get results,but you must be disciplined.I am going to carry on with the paleo Monday to Friday and have the weekends off:)

So in her honour todays WOD is "Kelly"
5 Rounds For Time of:
Run 400m
30 Box Jumps 24/20in
30 Wall Ball 9/7kg

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1x, 2x, 3x, maybe with a Twist

Some things are great conversation starters, some are just appealing and we can't put our hands on why, others are so wrong they are right. I don't know if that describes what has come up in conversation a few times since Frostbike but this wheel sure does catch the eye.

Yes, we like it even more that it's a B43 but we can appreciate this unique lacing pattern done up by the guys at Handspun [if you were at the show you would have seen one of these in our booth or in their booth]. JBolt rocks a snowflake lacing on one of his rigs and was jazzed about this once he saw it.

Another unique project we had going for the North American Handmade Bicycle Show this weekend was that done by Jacobi. If you follow us on Twitter you've already seen this but it's part table, part display, and part pump. This came about through trying to find an original way to display all our spoke and nipple colors. Sure there are probably easier ways of doing it that might take up less room but leave it to Jacobi to come up with this concept.

Here are a few of the main parts you'd need if you feel like making one of your own:
1 - 32 hole, 20" [406] Fusion Rim
1 - old Schwinn pump
1 - 20" tire
1 - piece of glass cut to proper size

*You'll also need some sort of larger base for the pump so it won't fall over on you. Jacobi used an old chainring from a 1-piece crank. He also radial laced the wheel instead of any crossing pattern for a cleaner look. It's also good to note that the pump still pumps... sorta.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Overhead Squat
1st set @ 65% of 90% 1RM 5 reps
2nd set @ 75% of 90% 1RM 5 reps
3rd set @ 85% of 90% 1RM 5+ reps

Met Con:
AMRAP 10 mins
3 Hang Squat Clean
6 Ring Dips
9 Box Jumps

Post loads and rounds to comments


Today, the Jeff's are making their final preparations for the trip to Richmond, Virginia for this year's North American Handmade Bicycle Show. Jacobi has put together a pretty sweet batch of wheels and rims for everyone to check out. From the looks of it, this year's show should be as good if not better than years past. Stop by our booth #231 and say hello, pick up a catalog and check out our stuff.

Around a month ago, I started a project partnering with Michigan Awesome in making a custom one-off Michigan themed wheel, in hopes for having it done by the Handmade show. Using all 3 sticker designs they have, I cut out and covered the rim with: 'Isn't for Sissies', 'Smitten with the Mitten' and my personal favorite 'Bi-Peninsular and Proud' goodness. Then lacing up one of our limited edition gold, solid flange, hollow axle track hubs to a B43 rim with blue spokes and green nipples as a slight nudge at our great state's flag.

Overall, the wheel turned our great and from a distance it is exactly what I was hoping the project could be. Unfortunately, as the time crunch became apparent we had to make certain calls on what wheels could or could not make their way to Richmond, the Michigan wheel did not make the cut. It will most definitely be making plenty of appearances around Grand Rapids and the Midwest, along with on our Twitter/Facebook pages.

Michigan Awesome is a great company, started by some guys here in Grand Rapids, that simply strives to celebrate our great state. Please take time to make it over to their site, check out their shirts and hoodies. If you Twitter, show some Michigan love and tag it with #michiganawesome. Because we all know it... 'it's good to be where you're from'.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Losing it

Over the President’s Day weekend, Zdenek and I headed to the Catskills with good friends, Dave and Erica, where we spent a good chunk of our time watching the Olympics with wine glasses in hand. At some point during the moguls, I commented to my cabin-mates that it made me feel like a bit of a loser to see these 18- or 20-year olds shred up the mountain. Dave and Erica were confused by this, so I explained that, at 32, I haven’t achieved even a fraction of what these kids have already done, and I’m not looking to win any Olympic medals soon. I know I've lamented this fact before, but every time I consider my middle-of-the-pack status, I am both humbled and frustrated. Dave and Erica (bless them) were somewhat incredulous, and reminded me that I had run 17 miles that morning while they slept. Erica comforted, “Jodi, next time you feel like a loser, think of Dave and me.”

But it’s not only my lack of athletic superstardom that is humbling. As if I needed further evidence of my mediocrity, today I happened to come across the whereabouts of a few of my grad school housemates: One is now a relatively famous figure in the liberal media. Another is the deputy to a very important political figure. A third is running a large investment fund. And here I sit. The only thing I've ever run is a marathon.

So I called my husband, complaining on this wet and soggy New York day that I felt like one of the smallest people on this island. He asked why, and I explained. Unfortunately, if I was looking for sympathy, I should have gone elsewhere. All I got was a peeved, “Now you’re making me feel bad about myself! You married a loser.” I said, no, he didn’t understand me clearly. I am the loser. “Perfect,” he replied. “Then we’re meant for each other.”

Because I am fortunate to work with a large number of very bright, Ivy League-educated twenty- and thirty-somethings, I decided to pose my question to the larger group. I figured that, between them, they must know dozens, if not hundreds, of members of the literary, political, and business elite. So how do they feel about this? Do they sometimes feel like they don’t measure up? Do they ever feel like losers? (Sure, we have all made out okay, but none of us have dedicated Wikipedia pages or blogs about us that we didn’t write ourselves.)

As it turns out, the unanimous answer was a resounding, “Yes,” followed by the advice, “We just try not to think about it too much.” But how could one not think about it, especially living in New York, home to the largest proportion of over-achievers anywhere on the planet? Next suggestion: “Get out of NYC," which was quickly followed by, "But also avoid DC and LA.” But I’m not moving anytime soon.

Yes, it appeared that despite the almost $1 million in education between them, these Ivy Leaguers couldn’t give me any advice on how to cope with feelings of mediocrity, despite the fact that they deal with these same feelings from time to time. And then came the final piece of advice: “Just have a baby already.”


Strength: Off

Met Con:
5 Rounds For Max Reps of:

Thruster 2/3rds Bodyweight
Pull Ups

Post reps for each exercise and round to comments


We like videos here at Velocity and we're part of another one called Revoked by Chris Fonseca. Fonseca released his last project, No Cassettes, 10 months ago and his latest is called Revoked. Revoked will showcase the best riders and spots to date. Revoked is starring:

Justin (CONGO) Mitchell
Matt (Silky) Spencer
Richard (MR. GLASS) Baldwin

They are now taking PRE-ORDERS @ and the film ships out the end of next month. A World Premier will be held in Long Beach at Downtown Showdown. Here are two of the trailers for the film:



In some more Frostbike news, the guys over at All-City introduced a new steed to their line up... the Nature Boy, a single speed 'cross bike:

Looks like it won't be available before July but that's plenty of time before 'cross season. Yep, those are B43's on there and yes, there is not a machined braking surface. Have no fear, just as the guys over at Urban Velo have seen, our ano rims without a machined sidewall can handle brakes just fine. Final spec on the complete bike doesn't look to be determined quite yet, either way this is a hot bike. I just might have to get my hands on one.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Doors and Details

This is dedication. (or stupidity) This shot gives an idea of how much snow we've gotten and how hard it has been to get to the hangar. I had to climb up the snow and dig down to my door handle, then drop into the hangar. Ridiculous. The following shows the last few weeks work.


The filler caps are back from the engraver with the capacity added. They look great.


Here are the door handles removed from the door. The edges are sharp and uncomfortable and the outer handles would look better buffed out to a glossy stainless steel finish.


Here is the first step completed. The edges are all rounded. Now some time with the sanding block and polishing wheel.


The finished product all buffed and polished. Much better.


Here is the back side of the door trim panel. Parts provided with the kit didn't fit exactly. You can see the added part by the strake cutoff used to make it fit.


An almost finished door - just needs rubber door seal.


Sean checks out what will soon be his view on our trips. At least when Mom's not sitting up front. Time to take it out to the hangar and reinstall it.


Tom Finch is working on his own kit in Delaware. He stopped by to help me out. We decided to install that cool HID light.


The HID light ALMOST clears the tire. Aaaaargh! No wonder no one is installing them in RG's. Time for a little ingenuity - this beauty is too cool not to find a way to make it work.


The solution was simple if laborious. Remove the landing light lens and permanently bond the HID light to the forward side of the light housing, then reattach the plexi cover. I know, what about maintenance? As you will see in the next picture, you can replace the bulb simply by unclipping it and sliding it out of the reflector. Thanks to Andy Millin for pointing this out.


....and more silicone on the back. As extra insurance, I made 2 aluminum retainer clips and bonded them to the back of the reflector with high temp Permatex. We turned it on and it worked! It was extremely bright.


Now the lens is siliconed back onto the fuselage. It is taped off to prevent any silicone from getting on the primer, which would prevent the final paint from adhering. Looks nice.


Now it's time to mount the ballast. First, I made 2 hard points, drilled and tapped for 6-32 screws and attached them to the ballast unit. Then I mixed 5 minute epoxy with Cabosil and held it against the fuselage till it bonded. Then carefully remove the screws holding the unit and the hardpoints are ready to glass in place.


Hard points are glassed in and peel plied. Next visit to the hangar, I can mount the ballast and the new HID light system is complete.


Here are the doors reinstalled and the 12 inch N numbers in place. The doors look great, but won't shut with the rubber trim installed. More fooling around with the position of the door seals gets me almost there.


The door latches engage, but won't close completely. Scott Swing suggests leaving them closed for a week. I'll do that and see what I have to deal with next weekend.




Men -Muscle Ups:
False Grip Max Hangs x5
False Grip Turnouts x5
Transition Work x10
Kip / Transition Work From Box x10
Jumping Muscle Ups / Muscle Up / Max Reps Muscle Ups

Women - Kipping Pull Up Technique Work

Met Con:
Deadlift 100kg/60kg
Double Unders

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Endurance Gravel Road Racing. I don't know if I want to call it the latest trend since riding on gravel is nothing new or maybe that's just coming from my days as a shop rat back in Iowa. Either way the popularity of the 24 hour races seems to have morphed it's way into endurance gravel racing for one reason or another. Open courses, 100+ miles, no support, no non-sense riding. Races like the DirtyKanza, Heck of the North, Trans Iowa, and the newly minted Gravel World Championships all have sprung up all in the last 10 years. Not to say that this is a purer form of racing but often these have no fees, done on some sort of raffle format with a cap on the number of riders, put on by riders for riders. As with any of bicycle event, simply just a great time. There are also a number of shorter gravel races like Michigan's very own Barry Roubaix that are out there if you'd want to just see what all the fuss is about, a few of the Velocity crew will be doing this event. For a great list of gravel races check out the Gravel Grinder News website.

I say all of this to announce our sponsorship of Trans Iowa. We are providing every participant with one of our bottle traps for this late April race. This was announced over at one of the race promoters sites, G-Ted, this past Friday with what I must say a great endorsement for the Trap:

I've actually used these cages and they grip your bottle with authority! I highly doubt you will lose a bottle on a rough gravel road using one of these composite/plastic cages.

Both Ted and David put countless hours into putting on this great event and we're excited to be a part of it! Good luck riders!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Quick Catch Up From OZ

I have posted about Andy's travels in Oz before, here is his lastest update:
Hi Matt,
How's it going with the Box?
Any of you guys going to the sectionals?
I have been out in deepest darkest Australian country side and have come back for the NSW/ACT sectional this weekend. Crossfit has taken off in OZ massively and they are expecting 3000 spectators for the regional and about 500-750 for the sectional. I have heard its over 150 athletes competing so should be a good showing.My training partner will be featuring on the games website soon on a video (Chad Mckay) the guy is a freak of nature. Any how, I'm doing my cert one next month n Auckland then will be back in Swansea (yay!!!!!!) in May (if i dont stay out in the states to watch the games)Very much looking forward to joining up with you guys and smashing the shit out of myself. Take care Andy

Run or Row 3km or Swim 1km
Post choice and time to comments

Saturday, February 20, 2010


Max Reps HSPU x3

Met Con:
3 Rounds For Time
Run 400m
21 Front Squat 60/40kg
12 Pull Ups

Post reps for HSPU and time to comments

Friday, February 19, 2010


Rest Day / Skill Day / Make Up Day

Rest or practice a skill you suck at for a full hour or make up a workout you missed or fancy having a go at.

2010 Catalog

Over the course of 2009 we heard your request for a print catalog, and wait is no longer: the new 2010 catalogs are now out! If you're at Frostbike this weekend, swing by our booth and snag one, otherwise we will be packing one along with most orders. We tried to make the catalog as concise as possible, focusing on a few wheelsets, accessories and then a chart breakdown on all our rims. Our website will always be the more exhaustive and up-to-date resource for all our product [which we will be launching a new site some time this year] and a PDF version of the catalog should be available there shortly.

We have always prided ourselves on custom builds to your specifications and desires. We offer handcrafted rims in more sizes, drillings, and colors than any other rim maker on the planet. Contact your local bicycle shop for details on how to have your wheelset built today.

So for today I offer you a few screen shots of the new catalog...