Thursday, February 18, 2010

News and Notes

Today a few of the Velocity crew are heading over to Quality Bicycle Products annual winter gathering Frostbike in Minneapolis. We'll have a set of the prototype A23 wheelsets on hand to check out, along with a number of our rims, hubs and wheelsets, in addition a few of the Handspun Velocity wheels. Be sure stop by and chat with Ryan, Matt and John.

Speaking of Handspun, there is a little write up on their blog about the A23 wheelsets with 105 hubs and how they have been handling over the course of a winter on a Surly Crosscheck:

A23 vs. MN winter

We’ve been having a typically harsh winter here in Minnesota, and aside from the snow, the ice cover on the roads and trails has been particularly difficult this year. The result of constant freezing & thawing is that every riding surface is covered in ice- slippery, very bumpy, and ultimately unyielding ice. Commuting in these conditions is an open invitation to calamity- be it slipping on the ice, or destroying your components through the constant hammering of the riding conditions.

We’ve spent the past two months commuting on a set of wheels built up with Shimano 105 hubs & the new Velocity A23 rims, and the new offerings from Velocity do not disappoint. These wheels have stood up to ice, potholes, and curbs and have remained 100% round and true. We’ll continue to put these through the wringer for the duration of the year, but after what they’ve been through thus far, they are looking like they can handle whatever comes at them.

And finally, we're part of another film project. The newest is called Souplesse, meaning:

1. To conceal all art and make what ever one does or says appear to be with out effort and almost with out any thought about it.
2. The ability of the coureier to display an easy facility in accomplishing a difficult action which hides the conscious efforts the went into them.

Just a short word from the crew at Souplesse, Derred & Andy:

This video has been in the works for a long time, and we're almost done with out any serious injuries to the riders or the equipment. We are releasing a new web edit teaser with in a few days and we'll have a video submitted in to the bicycle film festival. That video will also be released on our website shortly after. We'd like to thank MD at Velocity and all of our other sponsors which you can view on our newly updated website (

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