Thursday, February 25, 2010

Paleo Challenge Winner

Huge Congrats to Kelly who won the Paleo Challenge!!



Here is her account of the challenge:
I entered the CFV paleo challenge because i have tried alot of different diets before but I never found one that suited me. I train 4 times a week, so by eating a balanced diet I should see and feel a big difference. My brother Matthew has told me about it before so that's why I gave it a shot!( The prize money did help a little lol)
The first two days I had a headache, prob because i cut out sugar,but after that felt great:) really enjoyed eating plenty of fruit and nuts, fresh meat,veg and plenty of water:)Its the first diet i have stuck to and really enjoyed.I did suffer a blip when i went away for a weekend with friends,found it hard to get back into it ,as i thought I had blown all the good work I had done!!But this proves that you can have the occasional treat and still get results,but you must be disciplined.I am going to carry on with the paleo Monday to Friday and have the weekends off:)

So in her honour todays WOD is "Kelly"
5 Rounds For Time of:
Run 400m
30 Box Jumps 24/20in
30 Wall Ball 9/7kg

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